Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Nutella Won

I need to do a better job of using the journal I bought at Weight Watchers to try to keep track of my cycles, eating habits, etc.

This week is another stressful week in terms of work (things I majorly procrastinated last week in favor of fun more challenging work items now need to be done) and lots of school sports and activities. Add to that ovulation time which I now feel is a major trigger for me eating wise. And then add on tomorrow (May 4) is the 2 year anniversary of my dad's passing, but in good news, it is the 100 day countdown to us leaving on our trip.

I woke up on Monday with the scale 221 - so 1.6 up, same Tuesday. This morning 221.8. I need to reign it in.

But yesterday afternoon I came home from work early to WFH and the crap in the house won. First it was a bowl of hot fries and potato chips (hey, at least I put it in a bowl) and then the jar of Nutella. Yup, the whole freaking jar (not the huge jar but still a good size) - I was working like crazy (and actually getting a lot done). At least I followed that up with a Shakeology shake for my dinner (we had a school concert to go to so no real time for anything more).

I know I should give myself a break this week being the anniversary. But I do need to reign it these behaviors. I've told myself time and time again Nutella is not something I can have in the house. No more.

And I worry about next school year when I will go back to being home more in the afternoon like I was last school year and I gained weight like crazy because I would binge before the kids got home from school. So I really do need to work on these triggers so they don't repeat themselves.

On a good note, it is Wednesday. And tomorrow I am taking a 1/2 day off to take the kids to the vet and attend an event at my son's school, and we have NO sports tomorrow night. And my husband is making dinner! AND I can hang up our countdown to vacation and start crossing off the days!

1 comment:

  1. Nutella is the devil....a tasty devil. All I can say to you about the Nutella (and maybe...just maybe this is what I'm saying to myself after my Nutella binge this week hahaha) is that at least the jar is empty and not still staring me in the face!!!!

    Work out your plan for those afternoons next school year. You know to be on the lookout for that time....go into that schedule with a plan!!!!!
