Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekend Recap

Yet again it was a nice weekend with very little commitments. Though the scale took a little bit of a beating :( But I am working hard this Monday to reverse that (though monthly could be arriving this week which doesn't help).

Saturday I had a flaxseed waffle with naked PB and jelly before getting on the treadmill for Week 5 Day 3 of C25K. The 20 minute run! Even though I hadn't run on Thursday due to potential shin splints, I still wanted to do the 20 minute run. I walked for 5 minutes and then turned off the treadmill and turned it back on so I could easily see how long I had run (the mental games we play!). I started out at 4.7 mph (12:45 min mile) but then went to 4.8 (12:30, my happy spot on the treadmill). It was mentally tough but I got through it! And then I walked for 10 minutes.

So I am not going to be following the C25K program anymore. Next week I will run for 23 minutes, then 25, then 28 and finally 30 at the end of February. But I am not sure how many times I will run per week. Maybe I will try with 2 (Tuesdays and Saturdays) and see how that goes.

After my run I had a spiralized sweet potato cooked in peanut oil with some cinnamon, 2 hardboiled eggs and blueberries. It was okay.

I had quite a few snacks from there on out. I had my normal 2 string cheeses and peaches snack at 11:45. Then my son wanted to try our new popcorn bowl that you can air-pop popcorn in the microwave. Of course we add butter to it! But I also had a banana.

At 2:00 I made some pasta and had 2 bowls :( and then immediately had my snack of 2 sugar-free fudgicles with Skippy PB.

We had a 3:30 appointment with an Escape Room. It was fun, even though we didn't complete it on time. Honestly, I think the kids were too young so essentially me and my husband were doing 99% of the work and there is too much work for 2 people to do in an hour. You could ask for hint and this one they don't penalize you with time. But because it was so busy we weren't able to continue beyond the 60 minutes. The guy did quickly explain some stuff that we didn't get. I had done an Escape Room a few years ago with a bunch of co-workers and client people and that was fantastic. The 3 rooms were decorated very well, the lighting was great, and there was a large variety of types of puzzles to solve. This one was lit with florescent lighting and so many of the puzzles involved locks (ones with 4-5 combinations either numbers or letters) so those really slowed us down. I would try this one again though (they have 4-5 different rooms) if we had more adults.

Afterwards my husband insisted on going out to dinner. Applebee's was right next door and we hadn't been there for years and they still have the best Pretzel appetizers we've encountered. I had:
* Some queso and chips - not worth it so I didn't have a ton
* 1 pretzel with cheese dip - could have had 2 but refrained
* 1 mozzarella stick
* My "meal" was a wonton taco appetizer - very yummy
*I drank water even though the kids had an ice cream shake and my husband had a soda

My stomach ached after that. I felt so bloated. And it's not like I had a ton of food. Just greasy I guess.

I walked for 10 minutes when we got home to get me to 9900 steps.

The scale was up almost 2 pounds on Sunday morning.
Sunday was a weird eating day. I woke up early (well normal, 6:30) and since I had gone to bed at 10:00 and wanted to enjoy to quiet of the house I got up. I had given my husband a puzzle - a cartoon map of Jackson Hole - for Christmas. I spent almost 4 hours working on it. At 8:30 my stomach was growing, despite me drinking water - I wanted something quick so heated 3 of my kids chocolate pancakes.

When I was finished the puzzle I walked for 20 minutes - I was only to 3400 steps. You don't walk much doing a puzzle!

I didn't eat lunch until 3:00! I had pulled out some chicken tenders to make a Thai dish Saturday night but since we went out I didn't get a chance and I didn't want the chicken to go bad, so I made the dish for lunch (I am going to post later this week about my cooking escapades this week!). I loved the dish and could have had more than 1 serving, but I refrained. Lots of leftovers this week!

After lunch I took another 20 minute walk on the treadmill.

Since me and my husband had had lunch so late and the kids had been grazing all afternoon, I didn't finish making dinner until 7. A chicken cordon bleu meal with pasta and frozen peas from the garden.

And I crawled into bed to relax at 8:00 - The best way to finish the weekend! Now if only it were Friday - It is going to be a long, long week.

And the scale was still up the 1.8 lbs today and I have my last appointment with the Nutritionist tomorrow so I am going to eat today like it were a Friday!

1 comment:

  1. If sounds like a nice weekend. You know what happened woh the theroetically you know how to fix it!!!
