Monday, May 20, 2019

100 miles - Half way to goal

Friday night my husband and I had a wonder pre-anniversary dinner (our anniversary is tomorrow -  a Tuesday night isn't a good night to go out, especially right now with all the kids stuff going on).

I usually never wear lipstick, especially bright red, so I had fun with it.

Saturday I was a little hungover and very dehydrated. My son had 2 sports events at 12:00 and 3:00 but I chose to skip those but went to soccer at 5:30.

Sunday I knew I had to run - I so badly wanted to get to 100 miles. I tried to drink a lot of water on Saturday and tried to eat well and go to bed at a reasonable time.

I just didn't want to get out of bed on Sunday, but I did. My alarm was set for 7:00 but I was up earlier than that. The temp was 53 degrees, 10 degrees warmer than last week.

Since my goal was 5.75 miles, I knew I should bring some water. More than 5 miles is really my limit. I didn't want to wear my hydration vest, so I opted for a handheld. I've never like running with them - it just feels unnatural.

Let's just say it was far from my best run. I was pretty miserable. I ran out 3 miles and thought perhaps I would run 6 miles instead of the 5.75 I needed to hit 100 miles. But by 5.75 I was done. Okay, I was probably done at 5 miles. Needless to say my average was 1 minute slower than my other more recent longer runs. But I am halfway done my self-appointment goal of 200 miles.

I am really going to try to work on my nutrition this week. Last week with Mother's Day, a work party and our anniversary dinner, my nutrition was very poor. Even though my monthly is coming up this week, it SHOULD be a little bit of a less hectic week and I should be able to concentrate on it.

First up was sweet potatoes with cinnamon, fried egg, vanilla yogurt, blueberries, and pepitas for my post-run breakfast (after having chocolate milk immediately following my run.

Lunch was.....hmm, what was lunch yesterday?! A PB&J sandwich perhaps? Afternoon snack was some popcorn and dinner was grilled sausages (I didn't have a bun) with pepper and onions, grilled potatoes, and caprese salad.

I also spent time in the kitchen food prepping - something I haven't done in a long time: 5 bags of carrots, 2 days of breakfast yogurt parfait, a dozen hard boiled eggs, and curry chicken salad.

Wish me luck on my nutrition this week!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the nutrition this week! You are off to a great start!!!!

    Woohoo on meeting the 100 mile mark!!! I’m so proud of you!

    I looooove the red dress!!! It is adorable and cute on you!
