Monday, March 2, 2020

Thank goodness February is over!

You've got to know I am struggling when I don't post. February started out so well and the collapsed.

The one good thing about February was the weather - while it was chilly sometimes, we really didn't have any snow and the 14 day forecast for the first half of March is showing higher than regular temperatures.

This was taken last Monday when it was 61 degrees - It had been 20s and 30s over the weekend and was predicted to be cold this past weekend, so I couldn't resist getting out at lunch time for one trip around the reservoir.

My activity has started to pick up in the last week. I've walked some on the treadmill, did one morning of Beach Body Upper Fix. Yesterday, even though it was chilly, me and my husband did 2 laps around the reservoir and this morning I walked on the treadmill for 1.75 miles (at 3.0/3.1 and 3.2 mph).

But the eating, the eating is pretty out of control. I finally weighed myself yesterday 239.8 :( I am awaiting my monthly visitor but not waiting for it to come in order to make changes.

Baby steps, so this month I am going to concentrate on:

1) Drinking my water
2) Getting up more at work
3) Exercising at 7:20 am
4) Tracking my food
5) Daily weigh ins (didn't do it today :( )
6) Lights out at 10 pm

Now that I am WFH full-time I need to get into a routine (okay, it's been 3 1/2 months....of which I have gained almost 10 lbs). I am going into the pantry too often and eating crap in there.  So I am thinking of creating a rule for myself that I don't go into the pantry at all until it is time to make dinner, which would mean that every morning when I am getting ready, I would pull out anything in there that i would need - for instance my Shakeology powder, or spices or tuna fish or PB. For the most part I eat out of the fridge/freezer so wouldn't need to pull out much. Plus it would force me to think about in advance what I was going to have to eat like I did when I went into the office.

We will see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. How are you doing this far in March!!! Stand strong!!!!!! You e got this!

    I may be working at home temporarily. (And I applied for a WFH position that would be permanent) and o worry about the eating all day. I figured I could pack my lunch like I do now and just stick with that. But that is my worry! You’ve got this!!!
