Sunday, April 10, 2022

What I am doing this time

  I know this is not going to be easy. Needing to lose 90 pounds just to be out of the Obese category is extremely daunting. Throw in that I am not over 50 and somewhere hovering between perimenopausal and menopausal. And the pandemic stress and the moody teenagers haven't gone away. The one thing that has gotten better is the financial stress. A "positive" of the pandemic is that we were able to save a lot of money so we have a cushion we didn't have 2 years ago.

And also what is different this time is I am doing this primarily for health, not vanity. I need my A1C to come down, I need my blood pressure to come down, I want my cholesterol numbers to reverse. I don't want to go on medication for any of it if I don't have to.

The surgeon was hoping I'd be down 15-20 lbs by the time I see him. The weight he had was 271 - he didn't weigh me, he was going off of the weight at my physical which was done mid-day and she didn't take any pounds away because of my clothing. Next time, 1st thing in the morning, wearing a flowy dress!

So I would love to be 250. In the past I've never, ever, ever done well with "Lose X pounds by Y date" - I am usually the opposite.

So the immediate changes I am doing

*Weigh myself every day - this is the #1 thing that has always worked for me in the past. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it does for me

*Track using My Fitness Pal - I had tracking. In the past I've had success just writing the items I've eaten in a journal, but not really weighing and measuring. But that won't fly this time. I have my calories at 1900 (which is a 1.5 lb loss a week). There is definitely wiggle room with that number, but I am not feeling deprived.

*Since I love pasta, I've cut out all-white pasta and have been have a mixture of plant based, whole grain, and whole wheat. I have between 3-4 oz at a time

*Since blood sugar is so important here, I'm really trying to cut out processed foods. Lean Cuisine pizzas that I relied on so much for YEARS have been thrown away so they aren't even around in emergencies

So how am I doing......

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