Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February: A New Month!

January, my least favorite month by far, is over! I always do a happy dance when February 1st arrives and I love Ground Hog Day, even if the groundhog predicts 6 more weeks of winter (I didn't realize until 3-4 years ago that 2/2 is actually the 1/2 way point of winter - that year was especially hard and in January I decided to figure out when winter would be 1/2 over so I could celebrate - I was pretty embarrassed when I realized it was February 2nd!)

Last year in January we had the weight of the upcoming basement renovation hanging over our heads - we didn't start emptying out the basement until mid-February and they didn't start until the third week in March. This year we will be done this week! (The painters will be done today!)

I finished up the month running 23 miles - the 1st 20+ mile month since May (and in the last 7 months, my highest monthly total was only 13 miles).

In order to hit Mark Zuckerburg's 365 miles in a year, you have to run 31 miles a month. So I have some catching up to do and I would like to get it done in February.

Since it was 18 degrees yesterday morning I wasn't going to run outside and needed to be up and dressed by 7 am for the painters, so I decided to run before dinner. I would have liked to have done 4.5 miles to have an even 25, but I just couldn't do it. I ended up doing 2.5 and walked 1.5.

My eating has been pretty poor this week so I am not expecting a loss this week, but eating well does remain on my mind. As I've said before, I get side-tracked very easily and with the painting going on and being excited about that, it is very hard for me to focus.

Do I have goals for February?
Run  between 31 and 40 miles
Get down to 223 pounds so I will weigh the same on 3/1 as I did when I started running on 3/1/2013.
Get in my steps (we have a Step Challenge starting at work on 2/12 but I want to start before that)
Get my water in
Reduce my sweet intake

1 comment:

  1. February means that much closer to spring!!!!!!!

    Great job on the January miles!!!
