Sunday, January 6, 2019

Wrapping up the weekend 

It ended up not raining much yesterday so I headed back to the Reservoir. I brought headphones so listened to my “RunningComeBack” play list. I did more running than Tuesday but still didn’t wear my Garmin so wasn’t keeping track of how long I ran or how far.

During my run I kept thinking that maybe I should do a 1/2 Marathon in Disney next winter. I don’t need bring the whole family, but IF (a big if) I were to do a Marathon there in 2021 and I’ve done 2 5Ks and 10K there, I really should do a 1/2 marathon as well.

But I also love the Reservoir because it does have some small hills to go up and down (I walked up and ran down) and some technical areas which will give me some practice for hiking - let’s me use other muscles.

I ran in an old pair of sneakers, not my hiking sneakers that need to be replaced.

When I got home I made oatmeal with milk, blueberries, almonds and a little brown sugar (baby steps!)

My only “slip up” over the weekend was having some Chex Mix Saturday for snack. 

For dinner I had spaghetti and zucchini noodles. I did have a small 2nd helping, and leftovers for Sunday’s lunch.

Sunday we didn’t make it outside for any activity except to go to the grocery store. I did get in 3 20-minute walks so 3 miles and hit 10K steps for a 5th day.

My husband made beef enchiladas for dinner. So yummy as they were I stopped at 1 - even though I wanted 2. Baby steps!

Food prep I did:

Bagged my 5 days of carrots

Made more hard boiled eggs

Prepared 2 days of yogurt/blueberries/2 TB granola

Made my curry chicken salad with grapes

On to another week! 

1 comment:

  1. You are totally rockin’ this new lifestyle!!!!! And yes...I agree..if you e done the Disney 5k and 10k already you should probably aim to finish the trifecta!!!!
