Friday, June 14, 2019

Live streaming my pocket - 10k run

Here we are in mid-June and I am only getting in my 2nd run for the month.

While the kids had the week off from soccer, thus no sports, the evenings continued to be busy because I've got 10 days to get me, my son, my daughter, and partially my husband, packed and ready for our various adventures. My daughter needed to be mostly packed by Thursday night because her trunk and duffel bag were picked up today.

Wednesday morning was one of those many mornings where my stuff was laid out for a nice easy run and I really could have used it - I knew the day would be long and stressful and exciting (kids last day of school, 'Younger' premiere, Stanley Cup, starting packing for myself).

But I chose to lay in bed instead.

But I got in my 6.25 mile run this morning. With the kids done with school and my husband had the day off, I had no reason not to get my run in. I wanted to leave the weekend open since it is Father's Day so I chose to do my long run today. It has been almost a month since I've run more than 4 miles, but I decided to go the distance.

I'll tell you it wasn't pretty.

It was my first time using my new running vest . When I start my 1/2 Marathon training in November, I want to be able to drink both water and electrolytes and I saw this vest online that has 2 small bladders up front and then has space in the back for an additional normal bladder. Today I only used water.

The weather was 54 degrees and 95% humidity. I definitely felt the humidity on the trail which doesn't have a ton of air.

I don't know if it was the vest or my headphones but I was having serious technical difficulties with my music. It kept stopping and starting and pausing. And when I finished my run I found that I had 20 apps open (only the music was open when I started) and I was live streaming the inside of my pocket!

My time was not pretty - average of 13:40 minute miles. But I got it done!

I am hoping to get in 4 more runs before I leave, including another 6.25 miler. I am trying not to buy too many groceries which means we are eating weird things out of the pantry and freezer. I am trying to reduce my carbs  in the next 10 days as I feel like I am entering the second half of my cycle which means bloat city.

While we have zero plans this weekend, and are limited by what my son can do due to his 3 broken toe and his boot and crutches, and I've got a lot of packing to do (but have accomplished a ton this week so far), I hope not to eat the stress and happiness away. Lots and lots of water are on the agenda!


  1. One task at a time and you will get it all done and then be free as a bird for your vacation!!!! And yes...those runs are considered tasks that NEED to be done...not optional! :-). (Says me the girl that talks herself out of after work exercise almost every day!!)

  2. Not sure how long your vacation was/is.....but just so you know...there is someone out here that is waiting for you to return and cheering for you as you get back on track!!!!!!!! Rah rah sis boom bah! Go girl! (That’s the extent of my cheerleader abilities!)

    And if you are still vacationing...we’ll carry on and keep enjoying!!!!
