Sunday, July 14, 2019

We are back from Wyoming

It's been exactly a month since I last ran. It would be perfect morning to run, but since it is our last weekend day without kids, I am putting off exercising one more day!

When I chose the pictures below they were in order of our trip, but didn't post that way, so I am just going to leave them as is.

3 weeks ago we dropped our kids off at 2 different overnight camps and after a lot of drama of cancelled flights, we were off! We flew into Billings, Montana and drove down into Yellowstone. We spent 3 nights there (at 2 different lodges) and then 5 nights in Grand Teton (at Signal Mountain Lodge) and then 2 nights in Jackson, where we celebrated the 4th of July, before coming home.

It was a wonderful trip! A trip I had been counting down for over a year. It was the perfect time of year to go - we really lucked out with weather. A couple of days before we arrived it snowed on the first day of summer, it was 70s and low humidity when we were there, and since then I think they've had the same hot weather we've had out east since we got back home.

We got 6 hikes in during our trip which were all wonderful! The wildflowers were out, the rivers, creeks and streams were still high water so beautifully rushing. We couldn't have asked for more.

And now we are back :( Back to work last week was no fun and then later this week we go pick up the kids. I am so used to going on vacation at the end of August that I keep thinking that summer should almost be over. I keep thinking we've been back for 2 weeks, not 1.

The kids will have 5 weeks of day camp when they get back. We aren't going on a family vacation this summer since we've all had quite a vacation :) We are taking a long weekend in October to go to Vermont- hopefully the foliage will be out, but that is a crap shoot these years with global warming. But for now we will enjoy summer, enjoy the kids being back, and try not to think about Back to School and Halloween and Christmas for at least a month, because I've still got 2 birthdays (my husband's and my daughters) to "look forward to" and then my own.

But for now here is a glimpse of our trip from some of the pics off my phone. I'll be back this week to talk about how I am not starting over (again) when it comes to weight loss :(

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word the pics look absolutely stunning! And it sounds like (and you look like) you had the time of your life!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!

    I’ve been wondering about you! :-).
