Monday, August 12, 2019

Hard work needs to start NOW!

Last week (August 2-4) I took a 1/2 day on Friday and we drove up to Maine for the weekend. We walked around a State Park on Friday afternoon and then I got my annual lobster.

Saturday we hung out at my husband's family's lake house and then Sunday we went to the beach for a little while before grabbing lunch and heading home.

Monday morning was another beautiful morning so I ran 3 miles - I usually never workout or anything on Mondays.

Tuesday I did Upper Fix from Beach Body. While the schedule called for Cardio, my arms wanted to lift!

And then my exercise was over for the week. Completely unplanned. Tuesday night we celebrated my daughter's 13th birthday at a place called Fire + Ice where you pick your food and then they grill it for you on a giant hibachi. It is all you can eat, so I had 3 helpings - one asian themed, one southwestern themed, and then one just asian noodles. I am so stuffed. And my stomach killed for DAYS.

The next morning I felt hungover (and I hadn't slept well because of my stomach hurting) and Thursday I felt the same way and even into Friday.

The weekend I had planned to run 4 miles but my daughter had friends over both days to celebrate her birthday (the birthday that just kept on going and going and going) and since my I was playing single parent this weekend (It is easier to send my husband and son away instead of having them around with a house full of thirteen year olds) I didn't get my run in.

But I did run this morning. Three miles, not 4. I ran into friends that I used to run with when I'd get up at 5:00 and hadn't seen them in a while so we chatted for 30 minutes. By that time I was running (not literally!) so late, that I only had time for 3 miles. But I plan on getting in 4 miles later this week so I can be back on track for 5 miles on Sunday.

I wasn't going to weigh myself until my birthday (the 20th) but I chose to on Saturday. 233.0 Ugh, major ugh. Sunday I was 232.2. And this is right after TOM so my weight should be at it's lowest.

But it is what it is. I am back at it. I am canceling our dinner at The Melting Pot for my birthday. We don't need an expensive meal anyways. It isn't going to make me feel good, so we aren't doing it. I don't need cake. Just a little ice cream :) I bought new tracking journals. I am going to try, try, try. I need to not look back and don't try to look forward. Just live in the here and now. And make this a priority. I NEED to get back into shape and take this weight OFF!

1 comment:

  1. We just need to keep trying! Baby steps WILL get us to where we want to be!!!!

    Kudos for listening to your body and how it was feeling after the huge albeit meal! Our bodies are smart....we just chose to ignore! You are listening! That is a big step!!!!
