Sunday, September 8, 2019

3 Day Reset - sort of + 6.5 miles

First of all - Labor Day weekend. We had no plans but a lot of the weekend was spent organizing stuff. The kids had started school the week before, they had a 4 day weekend. My daughter was away in Maine for the weekend. My husband and son had plans on Sunday to go to Connecticut to get this guy. My son has been asking for a hedgehog for 18 months - finally it was time. He is pretty cute. I had said I would have nothing to do with him, but he's pretty quickly engrained himself in my heart.


I had decided to go hiking in New Hampshire on Sunday and then go antiquing in Maine after, but 2 different spam calls, one at 12:45 am and one at 3:30 am, one on the home phone and one on the cell, had me up most of the night (while my 13 year old had been away from home plenty, it was her first time out of state for the whole weekend). So I decided not to hike as I was exhausted, but not too exhausted to jump in the car at 8 am and go for a 10 hour road trip.

I stopped at one beach and took a walk and had a late breakfast.

Then after some antiquing I went to a nature preserve for another walk.

It was a very successful day - exploring and antiquing.

I was going to start the Beachbody 3 Day Refresh on Tuesday, but since it is easier to do it at home with a blender, and I work from home on Wednesday and Friday, I decided to start it on Wednesday and also work from home on Thursday.

Knowing that I wouldn't want to run on Wednesday (they suggest you don't do heavy exercise while doing the cleanse) and it was pretty humid, I decided to do an 30 minute Advanced Beginner ride using the Peloton App. I am slowing learning how to translate the videos to my Schwinn even though I don't have a Peloton bike.

Wednesday I woke up to Time of the Month. Originally I thought it was 9 days late (hello perimenopause) but then I realized it was only 2 days late! Needless to say Day 1 of the 3 Day Refresh didn't go quite as planned, but I still did pretty well. The only thing I had that wasn't on plan was a bunch of nuts.

Day 2 and Day 3 were much better.

Each day goes about like this:
  • Breakfast of a regular Shakeology smoothie and Fruit
  • Mid-morning Fiber Sweep (below) - Personally I drink it fast and holding my nose
  • Lunch - Shake provided with the program; fruit; vegetables and good fats
  • Afternoon snack - vegetables and good fates
  • Dinner - Shake provided with the program; a recipe from the program booklet which is basically vegetables and good fat

There were times that I was definitely hungry. And I didn't work out at all those 3 days - I should have. But I didn't.

And the results are:
Wednesday: 232.0
Saturday: 226.8

Down 5.2
Yes, some of that is period weight
Some of that will come right back (I was 227.0 this morning)

But I used this time to also clean out the pantry, again. And make a list of the foods I will eat. I am going to try to avoid some things, at least for the next 4 weeks - like I had sweet potatoes at dinner, not while potatoes. Avoiding processed foods as much as possible.

Saturday I was able to eat real food again and I had to because I had a run to do on Sunday!

Can I tell you the run sucked?! 6.5 miles (58 degrees to start, 86% humidity) I didn't go to my favorite rail trail - field hockey is starting for my daughter and I can't be 25 minutes away. Plus I have a 10K race in 4 weeks - while it is relatively flat (it is by the ocean) I need practice on real roads and out of the shade of the bike path (again, but the ocean, I will be direct sunlight).

I think the run sucked for a few reasons - one, I pretty much haven't moved much in the last 9 days - Except a couple of walks in Maine and a stationary ride on Tuesday, I have been extremely sedentary. So the Fitbit goes back on tomorrow. I need steps! I need to be active during the day beyond 5:30 am.

The run sucked because perhaps 1 day wasn't enough to eat normal food (even though I also ate something an hour before and took 2 Gu - I before I ran and 1 at 3 miles).

And because I was running in my town I was worried about what people thought of seeing me run and I couldn't get out of my head how far I've dropped in my running ability. But I can't go back!

Finally this afternoon I spent tons of time meal prepping. I had lots of veggies left over from the cleanse - I pretty much ate the same thing for 3 days. So I roasted a lot of it.

Other meal prep I did:
  • Yogurt Parfait for 2 days (plain greek yogurt with a touch of vanilla greek yogurt, bluebeeries, granola)
  • 5 days of carrots
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Quinoa and black beans for lunch
  • Pasta and frozen pizza pre-cooked so the kids can grab it

Now I am tired. Football is really starting tonight for us New England fans (yes, I completely understand why people hate us, especially now). But no way I can stay up for the whole game. That is a downside of being a Patriots fan - lots of Sunday night, Monday night and Thursday night football games which practically are just starting by the time this gal goes to bed at 9:30 pm.

Here is a to a full week (well not exactly, my son is getting 8 teeth extracted on Thursday so he'll be home for 2 days and I am taking Thursday off). But my daughter will (hopefully go 5 days - I say hopefully because she got sick at school on Friday and I had to pick her up at 9:30)




1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have made some great plans and preparations for a successful week...and that time of the month is now behind you (is as mine is gone now for a bit also!)
