Thursday, January 30, 2020

January From Hell

Like everyone, January feels like it is a million years long. It is by far my least favorite month of the year.  One and a half days to go and it is time to celebrate February. I always buy myself flowers over Super Bowl weekend. While New England has had lots to celebrate 4 out of the last 5 Super Bowls, I will admit it is kind of nice not having to stress about it and enjoy.

So like many people I had lots of intentions at the beginning of the year. I worked out on the first 3 days of the year. I tracked for the first 4 days of the year. And then nothing, nothing at all...except too much stressing and too much eating. The stress is work and living with a 13 year old.

I did have some fun. From the 8th to the 12th I went to Florida where I originally was supposed to run a Half Marathon, but do to illness, weather, work and the holidays I wasn't able to train above 8 miles. I haven't run since November 22nd. I am not upset I didn't get to run the Half Marathon. Our trip was fabulous, except for looking at the pictures of myself. The race would have been awful - It was incredibly hot. It was 74 degrees at the start of the race at 5:30 am. Instead we walked 13.1 miles our first full day and went to all four parks in one day. The other 3 days were a little more relaxing but still a lot of fun.

But life since we got back hasn't been a lot of fun. Thirteen years old is no fun and it stresses me out.

But I've got to take care of myself. In 15 weeks I am back to Orlando for a 50th birthday party and I can not look or feel the way I do now. So now I am under the gun and I usually do not react well to that.

I will confess I did something "bad" - I was supposed to have my physical in 3 weeks and I just moved it July!

So this is what I plan on doing
1) Going to WW on Saturday - no waiting until I lose the 5-6 lbs I've gained since November
2) Walk breaks at work - listen to Half Size Me Podcasts and wear my Fit Bit
3) Drink my water
4) Track my food
5) Exercise at 7:20 am even if just walking on the treadmill
6) To bed by 10:15/Up at 6:15
7) Menu plan/Food prep - cook my way through everything in our pantry/freezer
8) Weigh myself every day

My exclusions are small
A) Don't drink my calories (I actually went into the office 3 days this week and bought my lunch every day which included a regular Coke) - I don't drink much alcohol but I am okay having none for the next 15 weeks.
B) Stay away from processed foods - they are such a trigger - I've eaten way too much of that crap this month because I allowed it in the house. The kids are cranky when I don't buy much and I am sick of cranky so I buy it but then I don't stay away from it so then I am cranky! I don't know what is worse, them cranky or me!

Money is tight these days - Christmas will be paid off with payday tomorrow! But we've already put $ on the credit card for upcoming trips. So not eating out is a good thing! And even reducing our weekly grocery bill, which is usually $250, will be a huge help.

I want to get outside more. We have no snow right now, which is great, but us in New England know not to get too complacent, because February and March are often when we get pounded with storms.

Now I just need to get through today and tomorrow and then it is the weekend and February!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a rough January also! I joined WW online and I’m determined to make this happen!!
