Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bye Bye 2019, Hello 2020

Today is the last day of 2019 - I am so ready to start a new decade, if that means bringing on a new decade of age.

I don't know how much I weigh today but if I guess it is what I weighed a year ago. I am not thrilled with that, but most of that is due to lack of activity at the end of the year. For the most part I was active in 2019.

I started out the year with a warm walk around the reservoir.

I did lots of Beach Body in the beginning of the year - I was very good at getting up at 5:30 am and working out. I also walked 10K steps every day for the first 6 weeks of the year.

I tried to get out along the reservoir as much as I could during the winter, even in the snow

I started out the year at WW and lost 10 pounds very quickly....unfortunately the 10 lbs did not stay off

I dunked my feet in fountains on our family trip to Virginia/DC in April.

I hiked with part of the family (and solo)

I even did 1 20-mile bike ride to commemorate 20 years at my company

I got in lots of runs (more on that later), even in the heat

The trail is still my church - I find such peace there

Me and the husband took a much awaited trip to Wyoming without the kids

I got to dunk my feet in snow in July

I ran my 10K in Rhode Island in October

And I got in so beautiful runs on the trail, topping out at 8 miles (more on that later)

And then came November 22nd. And I haven't run since.

In 2019 I ran 59 times for a total of 215.0 miles.

I planned on doing a 1/2 marathon in January in 10 days, but once Thanksgiving hit, due to exhaustion and illness I didn't run over Thanksgiving weekend. And then it snowed 18 inches and while the snow didn't last, holiday obligations and work obligations and holiday stress and holiday excitement and work stress took over and I didn't run in December. There were a couple of times i wanted to but it was like 5 degrees and I didn't want to run the risk of getting sick. But I am not giving up running!

My body has not felt good in December - all the holiday stuff and work stress will do that do me. But tomorrow is another month, another year, another decade. Time to do better, but what "better" means is for a different post!

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