Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Looking ahead to 2020

The title of this blog is "Getting Fit Again in my 40s" but in mid-August I will no longer be in my 40s. But I am going to spend the next 7 1/2 months feeling more fit, even if the scale doesn't reflect it.

While I am disappointed about not running my half marathon, I am by no means giving up running. But I am going to concentrate on 5-7 miles max and enjoy it and push myself. But I am not going to jump into those distances not having run since the 3rd week in November.

So this is what I want 2020 to look like:

1) Beachbody workouts
2) Spinning videos on our bike in the basement
3) Walking on the treadmill during the day
4) Stretching and yoga
5) Getting my water in
6) Sleeping from 10:00 pm - 6:00 am
7) Not drinking my calories (except Shakeology)
8) Eating a variety of foods - less sugar, smaller portions, more fruits and vegetables
9) Post more to be accountable
10) Get back to WW
11) Find someone to be accountable to each day

What you don't see above is a number - Numbers in time never work for me. Yes, I need, need, need to be under 220 for the first time in 5+ years (and I'll hope for way more than that) but the scale isn't a top priority right now (even with going back to WW after I go to Disney).

I also want to
A) Get outside more - hiking, walking, taking pictures, just enjoying not being inside
B) Work on my camera skills
C) Watch none or less Hallmark movies - they suck the time away - if I am going to watch TV (which I want to watch less of), I have a list of movies and shows to watch
D) Read more books (my problem is I so easily fall asleep while reading!)
E) Use what I own more - craft supplies, books, kitchen foods and gadgets, hiking/outdoors supplies

What do I have in store for 2020? Actually not a lot.

We all have milestones - I am turning 50, me and my husband will be celebrating 15 years, my daughter will be finishing middle school and heading to high school, my son will be finishing elementary school and starting middle school (my brother will celebrate 55 and my parents would have celebrated 60 years).

I have one concrete trip to Disney coming up in January, one hopeful trip to Disney in May to celebrate a 50th birthday of a friend from high school, a trip to California as our family summer vacation, hopefully some time away with my husband while the kids are at camp, perhaps a road trip with my son, and hopefully a weekend away in December to celebrate Christmas activities in Vermont.

I have no races planned, no hikes that we will definitely do (though I do want to do some), no big things to look forward too (the trips will be fun but nothing compared to our kid-less trip to Wyoming this year). So it is a good year to be - To enjoy life, to make some positive changes that can last a lifetime. But I need to come up with things to occupy my evenings - I don't want to just mindlessly play on my phone or watch tv. I can't really do photography in my house, in the dark. I like to write stories so I may get myself a new laptop so I can sit in bed and write. And I want to not just sit around on the weekends but yet we don't want to spend a lot of money - 2019 was a little hard on the pocketbooks.

Feeling good, mind, body and soul - That is my motto for 2020.

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