Thursday, January 2, 2020

Starting the year out alright

Well, the first thing I did this year wasn't great. I went to bed at 10:00 on New Year's Eve - I just don't feel the need to stay up past my bedtime, especially when I worked all day Tuesday and need to be at work on Thursday. I had when rotating holidays are on Wednesdays! I decided on a whim to step on the scale. It was horrible, horrendous. 239.6. The last time I weighed myself, a few weeks ago, was 232. I wanted to cry. But just one piece of data. I had eaten a lot of frozen appetizers the night before (to clean out the freezer) and the Christmas candy has been staring at me from my work space. It has either been eaten, throw out, or moved so I have a fresh view from my kitchen island.

Like last year I started the year out with a walk around the reservoir. Last year it was in the 50s and no snow so I got in 2 laps and made plans to get trail running shoes and eventually run it which I did! This year there was a couple of inches of snow and ice so one lap took 45 minutes so I stuck to just one. But got in 5,000 steps in the process.

After my walk I went to the grocery store to get a few things. I have decided that I am going to try to photograph every thing I eat to try to keep myself accountable. Not that I am going to post everything. I had taken a picture of my oatmeal before I ate it so it was prettier, but while I was eating "breakfast" I found an app that records the timestamp so I tried that out with my half eaten meal.

I made a soup that my mom used to make for Christmas day - I had some leftover pancetta to use up but I had too much meat and the soup was just too salty so the rest may get thrown away. Some people sware by soups but I doubt - I feel like the saltiness, even when I use low sodium broth, just makes me feel bloated.

In the afternoon I jumped on the treadmill for 5 minutes to get my steps to 10K.

I asked my husband to make his chicken parm for dinner. Since I am not in the habit of photographing dinner, of course I didn't. And.....I had three helpings :(  I went into the meal way too hungry and his parm is so good (full of garlic). I should have stopped with 2 helpings. Okay, I should have stopped with one. We did have a salad as well (and I purposefully forgot to tell him I bought garlic bread) so it wasn't all bad. Of course I made the salad because he usually doesn't include vegetables with his meal planning.

I did something new last night - I left my phone downstairs. I never used to sleep with my phone next to my bed until about 5 years ago when I started running at 5 am and wanted to know before I got downstairs if people had bailed (which ended up being more often than not so I stopped trying to meet up with people). It really is such a time sucker and everything I read says you shouldn't be exposed to the phone light right before bed. I got into bed around 7:00 and read books - no phone, no tv. It was wonderful.

When I started working from home I realized I could work out between getting kid #1 to school and either dropping kid #2 at the bus stop or driving him to school, but due to the work project I hadn't been able to do it. But I decided to give it a try today.

I turned on the original 21 Day Fix - Total Body Cardio Fix. I was able to get it done, get my son into the car to drive to the bus stop (he can't really walk since the sidewalks are covered in snow and ice), and then jump into a quick shower before sitting down at my computer.

Of course I am procrastinating working by writing this - while it may feel like a Monday to some, it really is a Thursday, so we just have to get through 2 days!

1 comment:

  1. You have had a fabulous start to the new year! Like you I gained over the holidays...for me mostly over thanksgiving and then I maintained over Christmas! But still a big gain! Grrr
