Friday, September 20, 2013

I WILL go to Weight Watchers in the morning!

I need to start going every week again - Really since the beginning of August my attendance has been pretty spotty.

This week was definitely better than the last!
Tuesday and Thursday I got up at 5 am for Bootcamp
Wednesday I didn't have to drive the kids to school and my husband was home so I snuck in a run before work - since I have a race on Sunday I figured I needed to do something before it. It was 40 degrees when I left - I did 3.14 miles.

I am definitely sore this morning from Bootcamp. And my house is in desperate need to be cleaned, but I don't want to overexert myself before the race, so it will have to wait until after. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to be raining during the race :( I am eager to put another bib on - after the Diva Dash I got the bug again.

Foam Fest opens its registration in a couple of days- it is earlier next year - the 3rd weekend in June - not ideal, but I want to do it!  A 10K I wanted to do would be the next day, but I am much more excited about obstacles than a road race.

Not sure what the scale will bring tomorrow. I haven't been weighing myself everyday and today it was up a little - not sure if the pizza I had for dinner had anything to do with it. But I am still holding at 26.2 lbs lost. 10 more weeks until my 1 year WW anniversary. So you know I never make my goals, so I won't set an official one. Of course I don't even be close to the 52 lbs that I can WISH I would have lost in a year.....Right now my only goal is to get below 200 and that needs to be my focus.

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