Friday, November 14, 2014

I am still here.....

I was hoping to wait until I could have a "before" and "1/2 way to goal" pic up from Disney before posting, but it has been such a crazy week and who knows when I will have time to deal with pictures.

We got back on Sunday night and I have been struggling to get back on track. At first I wasn't going to weigh-in until tomorrow, but on Monday I decided I just needed to do it. I was prepared for the scale to say 195, but it said 191. But I still hurt to be back in the 190s. But I didn't eat that well at Disney (but not that badly either) - But I definitely had dessert more than I would like.

As of Friday I am back down to 189.2, but that is still a 7 lb gain since September. A gain I really would love to see be gone by the end of the year, though I am not sure if a 7 lb loss in 7 weeks during the holidays is realistic. But I will just concentrate on living healthy except for the few select meals between now and January 1st where I will enjoy myself. And I will continue to run - I've got to do run 48 miles by the end of the year, which means I will have to have a weekly date with the treadmill in addition to weekend runs outside.

I'll be back soon with pictures!

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