Monday, December 31, 2018

The look ahead.....

I am not even going to reflect on what happened in 2018. It wasn't all bad
1) We went on a cruise in April
2) We rented a house in Maine in August
3) My husband and I went on a much needed trip away to Walt Disney World without kids
4) We didn't lose any more relatives and we both took many steps for healthy screenings, some of them greatly overdue
5) We paid down a lot of debt

But we still have some debt going into 2019 but a plan to get rid of it if we can stay the course over the next few months.
And I need to be happier with myself - it isn't a surprise that there is a huge lacking of pictures of me in 2018. And I have a HUGE trip coming up in less than 6 months that I want to be photographed in! But it isn't all about losing weight......

So, this is what I need to do in 2019:

Lose Weight - first and foremost. I stepped on the scale this morning, despite having a salt dinner, and saw 235. I've never seen that! These are the baby steps I need to take that I can start immediately:
1) Drink more water - 100 oz per day; don't drink my calories (except perhaps smoothies)
2) Track my food - even if it is what I ate, not how much (that can come later)
3) Sleep better - in bed by 9:30-10:00 every night
4) Move more at work - Walk 1000 steps every 2 hours at work; wear my Fitbit

The next set of steps, which I can start immediately, but are harder
5) Get back to Weight Watchers (and preferably pay for the coaching option)
6) Food prep and menu planning
7) Exercise - TBD exactly what this will look like

Mental Health:
Get outside more
Work on my photography skills

Spend less/do more - this has been a "to do" for so long. I have so much "stuff", "stuff" I want to use:
1) Gym and sports equipment - inside and out
2) Kitchen gadgets - mix it up in the kitchen - I did some of this this year and loved it
3) Craft items - me and my daughter did some over the holidays - it was so much fun!
4) Book I want to read!

And I know I am more successful when I write stuff down, so I really hope to be posting more to keep myself accountable.

So I am not going to try to say a goal by end of 2019 (um, under 200 would be WONDERFUL!!) but moving more, eating less/better, and writing it all down should hopefully do wonders!


1 comment:

  1. You and I are totally on the same page! (Even with the photography...I sat my camera aside when I divorced and didn’t pick it up until recently and realized how much I missed it!!! I want to start up again!).

    I am 250 right now...I’m not happy. But there are simple changes I can (and will) make to change this. I would love to also be under 200...but if I end the year in a fitter and healthier place than I will be successful!!! And the same with you! We have this!!!
