Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Years Outing

I fully enjoyed going to bed at 10 pm on New Year's Eve - it was raining quite hard, and quite warm, so I slept with the window open.

Originally I was going to drive to the rail trail (25 min each way) to run/walk for 3-4 miles and then come back and see if anyone in the family wanted to go this walk. Because it had been hovering near freezing the night before, and the rail trail is in an area where it is colder, I was concerned about a slippery trail and roads. Plus I decided I didn't want to set my alarm on New Year's Day after all. But I ended waking up around 8:15 and saw that it was over 40 degrees so headed out to a Reservoir down the street from my house.

I wasn't going to run at all - I was wearing my hiking shoes. But since part of the trail is an fire road, I decided to go for it. I wasn't wearing my Garmin (but did have my FitBit on) I just ran when I felt like it. The other part of the trail is very technical - too many roots and slippery leaves and pine needles for my good.

I estimate that with 2 loops I did about 3.4 miles. But it wasn't about the miles or the time. It was enjoying being out on a beautiful morning (for the second loop I took off my jacket!). Who knows if we will see such nice temperatures, on a weekend, before spring.

The rest of the day was spent organizing, doing our budget for the next 3 months, and relaxing. Today was trash day so I did the final purge of the fridge/freezer/pantry this morning. So there is no more junk left in the house. None. I even got rid of the dark chocolate bits because I could do serious damage with those. I want zero temptations!

1 comment:

  1. Yay you for getting out there to walk/run and just enjoy the aspect of exercise!

    Double hip hip hurray for getting rid of that dark chocolate...that gets me!!!
