Sunday, December 4, 2011

Exercise - good, Eating - not so good

This weekend flew by! I wish it was next weekend so we can really get into the Christmas festivities. We don't get our tree until 2 weeks  before Christmas so that will be next weekend. Along with completely decorating our house. Right now we just have  a wreath, our card tree, and our 4, yes, 4, advent calendars.

This morning I got up to run. We had a birthday party to be at at 10, so I had to be running my 8 am. Which meant I needed to be up by 6:30 so I could eat something. It was 29 degree when I went out. I didn't want to overheat, so I just wore a thin fleece over my long sleeve shirt, but took off the fleece after my warm up.

I ran the whole 3.11 miles! This was the first time I had run the whole thing on my own. I ran it in 39:03. Definitely remember the feeling of pushing myself during the race helped keep me going. I was pooped all day though I only got the opportunity to sit down about 1/2 an hour ago!

Eating was not very good. This is why I can't lose weight while exercising. There was the cupcake at 11:30 at the birthday party, then we went to the birthday girl's house for lunch where I had 2 1/2 (or could it have even been 3 1/2!) pieces (albeit not real big) pieces of pizza and a beer (and lots of water). And then when we got home at 4:00, I ate a ton of Smart Food (they now have a 'movie theatre popcorn' flavor - yum!)

I am not sure what I will do this week for exercise since my next 5K is on Sunday. I may do something on Wednesday morning and that will be it before the race.

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