Monday, December 16, 2019

Quick Check In: No running and more

So yeah, the last time I posted was Friday November 22nd, the last time I went running. That being said, obviously there is no way that my Half Marathon is going to happen, but I am okay with that.

But what have I been doing since November 22nd (sorry no pictures, I've pulled them off my phone and I am too busy at work to retrieve them off my computer)

--Saturday November 23rd I went to NYC for the day by myself. I saw Christmas decorations being put up, I went to the Tenement Museum, I strolled for 14 miles.

--I originally was going to do 9 miles the day before Thanksgiving but work has been so incredibly busy, I wasn't able to go into work late. Thanksgiving was fine - not my favorite holiday. Despite me eating pretty well, I woke up incredibly dehydrated on Friday and it was only 18 degrees so the 9 miles didn't happen. My husband and I drove to Maine for the day on Saturday - so 9 miles didn't happen then either. And then Sunday it was about 5 degrees and I wasn't feeling great, so 9 miles didn't happen then either. I figured I was okay to do 10 miles the next weekend, but....

--Monday and Tuesday it snowed 18 inches. The kids didn't have school for 2 days. It was cold. I was working my butt off. I had zero motivation to try to run in the cold and with snowbanks. I was waiting for my period so I was feeling really off.

--Saturday December 7 there was still tons of snow and I had shopping to do and I think it was this day that I officially declared to myself that the Half Marathon wasn't going to happen. Sunday December 8th I took my daughter to NYC for the day (yes, trip #2 in 2 weeks) to meet up with friends. While I didn't walk 14 miles, it was still a fun, long, tiring day.

--I've been working from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm every work day for the past month and this week isn't going to be any different.

--This past weekend my daughter had a party Friday night and into Saturday where we did some Christmas activities, Saturday I finished ALMOST all of my shopping and wrapping and Sunday I officially did finish both! I had hoped to get in a run on Sunday, just because I MISS it! But it was the only day I could sleep in for the foreseeable future and I had been up in the middle of the night stressing about work. And it was good I didn't go because it was so incredibly windy!

--Sunday I did step on the scale for the first time in forever. 232.6. While yesterday was full of holiday cheer and this coming weekend will be as well, that doesn't mean that this whole week will be a free-for-all even though we have TONS of junk food in the house.

--I will be back after Christmas to recap our festivities and then talk about getting on track, because for me, getting on track starts on December 26th. While I am still going to Disney, just not running, there are 2 weeks between Christmas and our trip and I want to jump start my healthy new year, not wait until after we get back because it will be almost mid-January by that time.

1 comment:

  1. Im glad to see you are still here and still committed to this journey! When someone I read regularly goes quiet I get worried! :-)

    I love that you are planning on getting back on track before Disney and not waiting until afterward! It sounds like you and I are in the same situation...just trying to hold on in the month of December with a maintain and then hit it hard after Christmas!!!
