Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Year Behind, The Year Ahead

I didn't mean to go all this time without writing, but that usually means that I haven't been doing well in the eating department and that is correct.

--Saturday December 21st I did go to WW - I was up .8 (196.6)
--Saturday December 28th I planned on going to WW but not weighing in because the scale said 201! I slept through the 7:00 meeting, got up and showered and dressed to go to the 8:30 - I walked through the door and there was barely anyone there and there was a sub leader, so I turned around and walked out - I had so many plans for the day, which included de-Christmasing the house.

But first, how did I get from 196.6 to 201??!! The weekend before Christmas we baked, and baked, and baked. Every year I say less baking, but my kids are finally at the age where they want to bake.  And Saturday night we went out for Italian. And Sunday night we went out for Chinese Buffet. And Monday night I made Cheese Fondue and tons of appetizers, and Christmas Eve is my favorite meal of the day. All this time I also was not feeling great and sleeping horribly because I had this pesty cough. So my resilience was low, and lots of treats around (and Santa brought lots too).

This past week has been a bit better, though PMS has prevented it from being 100% better.

Sunday I did get out for a 2.6 mile run - our bike path is iced over, so we improvised and ran around the downtown area. I definitely need to get away from the bike path - it is great for going long distances, but isn't real world since it is completely flat.

But it is a new year. I was 200.6 this morning. I had been 198.6 the day before, but I always seem to have this dip before TOM arrives).

But I got up this morning while my family slept, put on my running clothes, even though it was 20 degrees, and went and ran a 5K race. The same race I ran 2 years ago. I was nervous about running it because 2 years ago I had a horribly stressful year and I was being stupidly superstitious. But I did it, and my running friend joined me this year. I didn't PR - I really didn't expect to since I've only run 3 twice since Thanksgiving, and running in the cold takes a lot of getting used to.  But I did it! And this race gives a cool wine-stopper medal too.

So looking at my "resolutions" from this past year, I realize I didn't hit many of them:

I don't like to call them resolutions - more like guidelines, or goals

--Live life - no moving, no vacations to plan, no research of things - play with the toys and games we have; craft crafts with all the stuff we have; make the recipes I've cut out; watch the movies I love; play outside; playside; go camping; explore the woods; take day trips; take weekend trips - just be!  This is my #1 for this year - getting settled into the new house took a lot more out of us than we realized, and we just didn't have time for this

--Less time on-line - Big, big fail in this department, but I should be able to do better

--Eat healthy, less, more variety - Seeing that "losing weight" wasn't on my list, I can say I ate healthier because I am 32 lbs less this New Year than I was last, but I also had some pretty huge gains through out the year (including the last 10 days!), so I hope to do better in this category, and making more variety of foods is definitely on my 2014 list as well

--Move my body - inside, outside, for fun - I did C25K and I ran more often and longer (the max being 7 miles) than ever, but I need to do more - strength training, cross training, more races, but also get outside and move my body with my kids

--Live on a budget - Another fail - Major medical bills but us far behind where we planned on being on 1/1/2014, so we need to build back savings, save for a long Disney trip, and buy us all bikes. We are going to be pretty drastic this year, which we need to do anyways.

--Have more patience with my kids and my husband - More failures

--Pray we don't lose another parent this year - Thankfully this is one area we did succeed, not that we have any ability to change this, though FIL was ill this year
--Blog a lot more - I barely made 40 posts this year! I want to make at least 250-300! Around 150, so not what I expected. They've blocked blogging sites at work, so it made it harder.
What else for 2014?
I am excited about getting bikes, and camping, and going to Disney, and doing some other small trips, and cooking all the recipes I've been collecting, and doing all the crafts I've pinned, and read the books I've been buying, and just being, just doing, and as part of that eating healthier and cleaner and eating less, and losing weight (can't say how much) and moving, moving, moving.

Here is to 2014!

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