Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Back to the exercise

I did walk quite a bit on vacation - 63 miles!!!

4.25 of that was on a lovely run through Washington DC. I had hoped to do a couple of other runs but the humidity had me staying in bed :)

But my nutrition was poor and I have been feeling very bloated.
I did start out the week right with a Total Body Cardio Fix workout Monday morning.

I got one walk in at work, but was pretty busy with it being my first day back. And despite me wishing I hadn't, I got into the Easter candy some :(

Sports were rained out and I went grocery shopping around 5:00 to finish up the list I didn't want to deal with on Saturday because it was so crowded.

Dinner was everyone for themselves - I had made pasta Sunday night so the kids could easily heat it up themselves. I made myself a spinach salad with hard boiled eggs and strawberries (okay, and a little bacon too) and a pasta salad with cheese, chicken, apples and honey mustard dressing.

I knew from my 5:30 wake up on Monday that I could now run outside at 5:45 because it is light enough. I have about a 3 month window from April until July. I could have done it right before I went on vacation, but wasn't going to change my routine then!

I got 3 miles in in the spitting rain - They were slow, but I did them! I know I will be faster once my nutrition is better. But I am also not used to rolling out of bed and running so I am not sure how fast they ever will be, but getting the miles in is good for the body and brain.

So now that one vacation is over and another is 9 weeks away, where do I go from here?

I will continue to increase my miles a bit - this weekend will be 4.5 miles, then 5.0 the next week and I'll stay there for a few weeks.

I want to get in a few hikes before our vacation, so my long runs may need to be on Thursday or Fridays, which would require me to get up a little earlier so I have time to get the miles in.

There is a 10K on our vacation (on the 4th of July) but I am not sure how I would do running at altitude - I think I would sign up day-of so it could be a game day decisions. It would also force me to get to 10K mileage before our vacation which isn't necessarily a bad thing because my actual 10K is at the beginning of August.

And I will continue to do Beach Body 2-3 times a week - I really like how my arms are feeling with the weights.

And occasionally I may try to get on the bike - either inside or out.

So I've got a plan for exercise. I just really need to dial in the nutrition and get back to where I was at.

1 comment:

  1. I love your plans! They are solid and quite doable!!!!
