Monday, April 22, 2019

Vacation over....starting over

Today is my 1st day back at work after a 10 day vacation. I'll just say that the scale was very, very cruel yesterday (hello 227) but I am hoping some of that is just post-vacation bloat and PMS bloat. But it also wasn't unexpected because my eating was very poor on vacation. We were very busy - we drove to Philly then Williamsburg then Washington DC. I was with the kids solo for 5 of the days and while they weren't difficult, it was still stressful. We wanted to see and do so much on the trip that aside from the breakfasts provided at the hotel, we were lucky if we got 1 real meal per day - the other meal was grab-and-go snacks, pretzels, hot dogs, ice cream (yes, more than once ice cream was a meal!). I did walk an incredible amount (more than 1 day I got 26,000 steps) but that didn't outweigh the poor nutrition.

I also did get in 1 run which was my favorite part of the vacation (is that bad to say that an activity I did by myself was the best?!) I ran 4.25 miles through DC at 7:00 am on a day where it was 44 degrees and low humidity. Perfect running weather. And then I came back to the room and signed up for the Disney 1/2 Marathon in January!

Here is just a quick dump of pictures and I'll be back tomorrow to talk about what I need my life to look like in the next 9 weeks before our kid-less vacation, during a period of time that is notoriously difficult (lots of sports commitments, lots of school commitments)

Philadelphia - We saw Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, City Hall, Love Park and Reading Terminal Market (one of our ice cream meals)  

We drove through Delaware to get from Philly to Williamsburg and stopped at Rehoboth Beach for a very late lunch

My son loves plants so was chatting up the woman at the public gardens

Palace at Williamsburg
We took a carriage ride
The kids loved Busch Gardens - they have no fear!
While the Cherry Blossoms were gone around the Tidal Basin there were some around, including here at Arlington Cemetery 

The day after Notre Dame burned we visited National Cathedral
While I was sad the pandas weren't outside, it was still fun to see them inside

I had an amazing morning run through DC

Waiting for our tour at the Capitol

Botanic Gardens

Hanging out at the WWII Memorial (dipping your feet is allowed :) )
We took a night tour of the monuments

Drove from DC to Boston in 1 long day, had a busy day of kids sports, and then celebrated Easter. I need an extra day of the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You guys saw and did a LOT!!!! I have found that I love running through a new city on vacations! So that’s not sad at all that it was your favorite part!!!
