Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Not falling off the wagon

I realized I never updated the weekend and then I just realized I pulled off pictures from my phone in preparation for vacation, so nothing to show!

I went to WW on Saturday - 221.8 so up .4 lb - that is okay! I did nothing last week to warrant a weight loss!

Saturday was a crazy busy day with kids sports starting. While I absolutely love spring, I don't love kids sports.

Sunday I got up and ran 4 miles on the rail trail. I definitely was feeling a little sluggish - I didn't get enough water in on Saturday. I need to be better about doing that when I am out and about and definitely when I am spending time in the sun.

I've definitely been slacking these last few days. My mind is in vacation mode already. I put my Fitbit in the charger on Sunday and haven't taken it out yet (I will take it on vacation). I haven't exercised at all since Sunday. But I am bringing some running clothes with me and we also will be doing a lot of walking.

Eating has been trying to get rid of food in the house - It will be nice to come home to completely empty fridge and pantry and filling it with healthy food. I am not sure how healthy we will be eating on vacation - but I also don't plan on going off the rails. Our eating is just the one aspect that we haven't planned at all, though I do have a lot of snacks for in the car and will try to get in as much water as I can.

Talk to you after vacation! Maybe by then spring will really be here, because after a beautiful weekend the last couple of days have been awful  (including the Red Sox home opener - okay, the Red Sox have also been awful this spring!).

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