Friday, April 26, 2019

Not the week I wanted

Thank goodness it is Friday! I need the time off to get some s**t done and unwind. This week has not been the fairy tale back on plan that I wanted.

The good news: 4 mornings of exercise
The bad news: Easter candy, bought food at work, just carbs in general

Wednesday I did get and did Upper Fix - my arms were on fire!

Thursday I slept in - I didn't want to do Lower Fix since I knew I would be running on Friday. Plus cramps were pretty bad (though exercise does help cramps, temporarily), so I felt 100% okay sleeping in!

There was a beautiful sunrise this morning but it definitely was "red sky in the morning" as rain was coming quickly.

I had 4.5 miles planned this week. Since I want to get in a hike on Sunday while my family goes to see End Game and I won't have time on Saturday morning (nor did I want to go the day before hiking), I knew I needed to go on Friday. I arranged for my husband to drive my daughter to school because I didn't know if I would be back to the house by 7:00. I wanted to do the 4 mile loop I used to do when I would run at 7:00 am, then I would have to add on.

The run wasn't too bad. I tried not to be self-conscious as I ran on the main streets in town. As usual my mile times got longer and longer as I ran - average of 12:30. The rain came just as I was finishing up, hence the car selfie (I really suck at selfies, but I am always in such a hurry I don't have time to perfect where I am looking at).

Tomorrow is soccer for my daughter (though I am secretly hoping it will get rained out, though it is not supposed to be raining during the actual game).

I need to organize my weekend/hiking clothes - they are in 3 different places, as well as inventory my husbands as I think he needs a few pieces for our trip.

My hike on Sunday won't be terribly long. Up a ski mountain (but not a big one) - I don't want to head up to New Hampshire yet as I am not sure if there is still snow on some trails - I doubt it because we really didn't get much snow this winter, but the mountains did.

The relaxing part of the weekend will be finally finishing up all my DVRed shows from vacation. My husband and I have 4 shows we watch together (The Blacklist, The Resident, The Enemy Within, and Whiskey Cavalier) so we've been trying to catch up together, but often one or the other of us is busy - I'm telling him I may just watch without him - I want this item checked off on my To Do list!

1 comment:

  1. I think the week back after a vacation is always a rough one. So much to catch up on and just in general out of sync! But you are catching you can rock next week! Good job on the exercise!!!!
