Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekly Weigh In

Last Week: 195.0
This Week: 193.4
Change: -1.6
Total Loss since 3/25/2010: -22.6 lb
Tota Loss since 1/1/2010: - 28.4 lb

I can't go to my WW meeting today - I am home sick, trying to rest for the weekend. I would have gone had the scale been .6 less because I would have gotten my 25 lb weight. But I really didn't do much this week to warrant a weight loss.

This upcoming week is definitely going to be challenging. I've got a wedding to go to Saturday night, so in addition to the actual wedding, it is a 36 hour trip away from home. Since the ceremony won't be until 6:30 and the cocktail hour starts at 8:00, god knows when we'll actually eat, so I will definitely be bringing some snacks.

And then there is Halloween. My daughter is going trick-or-treating 3 times this holiday. I have definitely been guilty of raiding her bag the last 2 years she's gone. I am gonig to try to be good. I am going to try to  be good. But at the minimum  I am going to track, track, track.

1 comment:

  1. Hello There!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've enjoyed reading your blog a bit. :)

    Great job on your journey. Keep up the good work and good luck this weekend. I'm serving cookies and hot cocoa during a church thing three nights this weekend. I'm thinking of saying "NONE." then I won't be tempted to 'have a bite'. We'll see...
