Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Quick weekend

The weekend seemed to go by so quickly!

Really not much to write about except to show a few quick pictures from our hike up Mount Cardigan in New Hampshire on Sunday. It was foggy at the top, but other than that the weather was perfect - low 50s, no bugs. But also really no leaves on the trees at all - spring is so slow to come to the North East this year!

After I did the 2 hour drive up and back, I did relax with some reading and a margarita to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

This week starts the 3 weeks of real craziness with concerts and school obligations and lots more sports. Things settle down a little in June - at that point everyone just wants school to be over, when in reality it doesn't end until the middle of the month (which is early this year because we only had 1 snow day).

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great weekend!!! And a hike!!! Woohoo! I love cool weather hikes!! They are the best!!!
