Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wednesday morning run

I was not overly excited about getting out of bed, but I am glad I did!

I did my 3 mile repeats (back and forth 2 times)

I had peaches before the run and chocolate milk after the run.
After showering, walking my son to the bus stop, and then doing a small grocery store run, I hit 10K steps by 9:00 am.

The morning WFH was busy with meetings. At 9:00 I had yogurt/blueberries/granola. And then didn't eat again until 12:00 when I had my snack (2 string cheese and peaches) and lunch (carrot sticks and frozen pasta meal) combined.

But I was stressed about work and found myself diving into leftover vanilla ice cream from my work party celebration a couple of weeks ago. Since vanilla isn't very exciting I topped it with maple syrup. Yeah, not good (oh, but so, so good!)

A couple of hours later my stomach was very upset which is another instance which makes me think I have a dairy issue. I settled my stomach with 3 small sleeves of Ritz crackers.

My daughter had a softball game so I didn't get home until 8:00 at which point i made pasta with cheese and sauce.

I decided not to get up Thursday morning because everything hurt yesterday. It hurt to cough or laugh because of the ab work I did on Tuesday.

My plan is to get a 3 mile run in on Friday, do Total Cardio Fix on Saturday and a 6 mile run on Sunday.

Now here is to getting in some steps today and eating healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the steps and run on Wednesday!

    Keep an eye on what happens when you consume the dairy may be onto something there! We laugh about me...I don’t really get sick, but (and sorry for the TMI) when I have a lot of cheese or dairy products I find that I ....get cleaned out pretty nicely. Never noticed the correlation until recently!
