Sunday, September 11, 2011

Workouts - good. Eating - not so good

We had the back-to-school picnic Friday night, but not before we heard that my 5 year old had fallen at school. Her arm was still in pain Friday afternoon so we rushed to the pediatrician and then the hospital for xrays. The bedlam resulted in grabbing a pizza to bring to the picnic (like lots of people did).

Saturday morning I did my old 1993 STEP video which is an awesome work out - I was definitely dragging by the end. After it we got the call that my daughter had indeed fractured her wrist, so the day was spent thinking of all the things that she may or may not be able to do (like we had to cancel her gymnastics for the next 6 weeks). The day turned hectic and we ended up out to dinner unexpectedly and my choices were not that great (soda instead of water, an appetizer, plus pasta with cream sauce, then one last trip to the ice cream stand before it closes for the season).

Sunday morning I did W1D3 of C25K - it was a little harder because I was tired from STEP the next day, but I did it. All day was spent in the kitchen making muffins to freeze. I didn't really eat real meals. Not the best day either.

Tomorrow is my "off day". Another week that was supposed to be normal, but now will have us getting used to my daughter in a cast.

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