Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in #25

Starting Weight (12/1/2012): 232.2
Last Week: 188.0
Current Weight: 187.6
Change Since Last Week: -0.4
Total Change: -44.6
Height: 5'6"
Goal: 149

This loss is kind of cheating. I woke up on Saturday morning, amidst a torrential downpour, the scale said 188.2, so I went back to bed until 8:30. After 2 more trips to the bathroom the scale was down :)

Friday I tried to act like I was still going to WW. My husband came home from the hospital on Friday morning and the kids had an early release from school so I took them to do errands, the first stop being the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I got 2 small plates - they said each was 490 calories or under. Yummy, but not a ton of food. We got cheesecake to eat later, which for me meant on Saturday after weigh-in. Friday night dinner was my normal PB&J sandwich and a piece of fruit.

Saturday my Matron of Honor, who I hadn't seen in 4 years, came to visit. Turns out she wanted to do Foam Fest too so now I have someone to do it with me!

I was feeling very mentally weak about what to do for my Long Run. I wasn't feeling 8 miles in my bones. I was actually feeling like blowing off the whole thing. I already had a packed day planned and sleeping in felt like heaven.

My running buddy has been plagued with infected poison ivy on her feet for several weeks. I chose to reach out to her to see if she wanted to run - I knew that I would be motivated to get out, even for just a bit. She was thankful I reached out because it motivated her as well. She chose to do 3.25 miles - they were pretty slow miles. I was telling her the story of my father's illness and my husband's hospitalization. I felt more like talking than running. I chose to turn around with her and then would decide how much to tack on to what we already had run. I figure a mile out and back would be easy. My music wasn't on and I ran a mile without it. I was miserable. I was running (practically walking) at 13:00 mile. I again was doubting my ability and desire to ever do a 1/2. I put my music on when I turned around, but still never really recovered. I ended up doing 5.5 miles.

Not sure how long I will run next weekend. We are going to run along the river in Boston, and then I will drive the course for my 10K.

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