Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I don't like change....

Today is our first WW meeting at work and I am just not feeling it. But I will go anyways, because otherwise I wouldn't get to a meeting.

I like my neurotic rituals of Saturday morning weigh-ins. Eating only a PB&J sandwich for dinner the night before, wearing the same comfy outfit, and knowing that the difference between me weighing myself naked and stepping on the scale at 7 am, would be 1.4 lbs.

Yesterday morning I didn't even bother getting on the scale - the first time i had done that in weeks. I just didn't want to see it. And then last night I made dinner mid-week for the first time in weeks. The rest of the family was at my son's t-ball practice. I made pasta and salad, but after 45 minutes, even though I knew they would be home soon, I started munching like crazy.

This morning the scale was up 2.8 lbs since Saturday! Today is a rainy, raw day so I wore my normal outfit - jeans. I ate my normal breakfast. I figure I am still going to do that. Especially since I plan on doing strength training on Wednesdays. Whatever the scale says it says. Yes, I do plan on wearing a lighter outfit, but it being 55 degrees and pouring, wasn't going to happen today.

I think part of my uneasiness is trying to figure out what number I am going to put in my weekly tracker. Wednesday or still Saturday? For the next 4 weeks, Saturdays won't be the lightest number because I will have races 3 out of the 4, so won't just be having PB&J for dinner. But not sure I want to do Wednesdays. I figure the next 4 weeks will be just playing around with the new routine. It will be a time of flux anyways because the kids will be wrapping up school, then having a small break before camp begins, then trying to figure out the 8 week camp routine.

But I am going to try to eat well. The last few days haven't reflected that but a hurdle I can easily get over.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on not liking change, but good for you for pressing on. Sometimes I feel like summer can be just as busy as school. lol
