Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

Last Week: 190.4
This Week: 188.0
Change: -2.4
Total Loss Since 3/25/2010: 28 lb

Of course I am thrilled to be in the 180's again though I don't even feel comfortable with 188.0. The scale did it's initial 188.4 then jumped down to 188.0. And I continue to be pissed at myself that I am 2.4 lbs above where I was 2 weeks ago, but at least I lost 1/2 of that huge gain.

But honestly, I didn't work that hard in the last week. I didn't eat really horribly - ie no real junk food, but my dinners continued to be too large.

I haven't done the menu planning for next week, but I expect to cook lighter meals. Valentine's Day could be a challenge, but I will refrain. We don't really celebrate it, though there will be some candy around the house because of the holiday (TMI - a year ago tomorrow I had a violent stomach bug for 8 hours after eating V-day chocolate (not because of the chocolate) so I think I will be skipping the Dove hearts this year!)

My goal for the week is to get back to 186, 185.4 again would be nice. Though TOM will arrive sround mid-week next week so my Thursday weigh-in might not reflect all my hard work but that does not mean that I will not work hard in the next week. My ultimate goal is to be at 176 by 3/25 but in order to do that I need to work hard every week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the working hard part. I'd like to be 160 by my husband's graduation on June 4th, but it will take work and focus...there's that word again. :)

    Have a good weekend and thanks for your comment on my blog recently.
