Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sadness and Stress

Yesterday my father-in-law passed away. He had been battling cancer for over a year and was fighting it, but ended up getting pneumonia and in his weakened state, he couldn't fight it. It was very fast, but thankfully not too fast so my husband was able to drive 4 hours up there and my sister-in-law was able to fly up in time.

In the past, the stress and sadness would have had me running for the pantry. But I am trying to stand my ground this time. I had a bottle of Nutella in my grocery cart this morning and later I took it out. It would not be good to have that in the house right now! The scale said 183.4 this morning! 1.2 lbs away from 50 lbs! I know i won't lose that by Saturday morning, but if I stand my ground, I could be next Saturday.

Running has become a source of stress-reduction over the last couple of months. In June I was getting in a run 3x a week. I haven't run since Sunday and it has been so hard. Tuesday I was overtired and the last 2 mornings I have had the kids on my own. The weather has been way too humid to run during the day. And no, I am not desperate enough for a run to go on the treadmill! Last night we didn't get home until 7 and I didn't go to bed until 11:00. I am home today, with no kids, but I have too much to get done - the house is a disaster! - before my husband comes come.

So last night my daughter had her first soccer practice. No way I was going to stand out in humid weather in work clothes (especially since i was kind of dressed up to wear light clothes for our work WW meeting), so I wore short athletic shorts, a sports bra, and a hugging tank top. People at work thought I was going out to play soccer! I loved that I felt confident to wear so little clothes around my daughter's friend's parents.

Off to make sense of all the food I bought. We aren't supposed to be home to grill this weekend, but I may skip one of our BBQ in order to stay home. But I bought way too much food. A lot of it was fairly healthy - not perfect, but ok.

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