Monday, April 3, 2017

5 lb in 2 days

That is what happens with me - I swing huge in either direction. I don't lose or gain a smaller amount.

Friday I did really well. I ate my small dinner very early - I was actually hungry when I went to bed which isn't good. And the scale said 220.6 when I woke up on Saturday. But I didn't go to Weight Watchers :(  It was snowing and sleeting pretty hard. And I couldn't go through the basement to get to the garage because we had people sleeping down there. I could have gone out the front door and then opened the garage door from outside, but we had another person sleeping in the office by the front door. So no matter what I would have woken people up - many of whom had been up very late the night before.

I started out Saturday pretty well. Breakfast/Snack/Lunch were pretty good. But then everyone was getting stir-crazy with the whether, so we made chocolate chip cookies, had chips and salsa and guacamole when we had other guests over for the afternoon. And a large pasta dinner.

Sunday our guests were gone before we even got up. And even though it was no longer snowing and got sunny (and almost 60 degrees), then only time I went out was at 9 am to do a catch-up grocery shopping trip.

It was a lazy day, which included cookies, and ice cream, and leftover pasta. So when I woke up this morning the scale said 225.4!

I know some of it is "fake weight" so I will try to be really good this week and see what the scale says on Saturday. What a long, long week it is going to be.

1 comment:

  1. Don't focus on the numbers...just focus on having a spot on target week!!!!
