Friday, March 15, 2019

Almost all the streaks are gone.....

Last year I made it to March 12th without buying my lunch as work and this year I made it to March 14th. But I will start a new streak!

Wednesday I didn't work out and I didn't even do any walking breaks. I had my annual GYN appointment on Wednesday - and I know this is TMI, but I didn't want to walk a lot before I went and be all sweaty *ahem* :) And I didn't want to eat or drink much because I knew I would get weighted and also I didn't want my stomach full. So I was ravenous when I got home at 12:00. I started with a treat - 4 fudgicles softened in the microwave, a banana and PB. Yum. And then I had lunch - leftover pasta - it was definitely more than 1 serving - with cheese and 2 pieces of garlic bread.

I was busy all afternoon with work so still didn't take any walk breaks. Dinner was sheet chicken fajitas - yummy, but I had white flour tortillas, not flax, and full fat sour cream (that is all we had in the house).

Thursday I did get up and do Upper Body Fix. I upped my weights a little bit.

At 7 am I registered for a 10K in Maine in August. I did it in 2015 (and registered 1 or 2 more times since then but bagged out). So now I have something to train for!!!

And the day went downhill from there. I brought all my normal foods to work. But it was Employee Appreciation Day which meant breakfast this month - green pancakes, sausage, bacon, fruit and cranberry juice.

My water bottle leaked in the car - I thought just on the seat but when I got to my desk I realized it leaked on my backpack and in walking into work, the back of my pants was all wet. So I wasn't going to do my laps with a huge water stain on my butt!!!

I had meetings from 10-12 and 12:30-2. So in my 1 free 1/2 hour I decided to just run down and get my standby: chicken salad on a whole wheat tortilla.....with a side of macaroni salad...and a can of coke....and a M&M cookie.

After work I ran to BJ's to get a few things (no impulse buys!) THEN went Grocery Shopping Part I. Then had dinner of spaghetti with butter and cheese (and everyone-for-themselves night).

Originally I was going to run 3.17 on Sunday to celebrate my son's 10th birthday, but it is supposed to be 61 today, so after going Grocery Shopping Part II and bringing my son to school I ran 3.15 miles. I haven't run more than 3 miles without run/walking since July of 2017. Did it in 38:24 - average of 12:12. I would like to try to get out again on Sunday or go to the reservoir, but we are having a party mid-day so who knows what Sunday will look like!

So, after yesterday, my only streak is that I am still tracking. Who knows what my weight will look like at WW tomorrow but 1) I won't let it be a free-for-all from now through Sunday and 2) After Sunday I am really going to reel it back in - I know with less sugar my running (and I) feel a lot better!

Spring is almost here!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Start those new streaks today if you haven’t already done so!!!! You know you want it! You know how to do it! Just remember how badly you want it...and how bad the negative consequences of NOT doing it really are!!

    Yay for the race!!! Having a goal to focus on/train for really helps me!!!!
