Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Needing to get back on task

I realized this morning that I couldn't find my headphones. I didn't remember the last time I had seen them, which shows how long it has been since I walked on the treadmill. Since I've started getting up at 5:30 am I haven't been as good as getting in my walks on my treadmill. When I've been at work I've been okay about getting 1-3 walks in. But since I've told myself that I don't have to hit 10K steps as long as I get in 60 minutes throughout the day, I've been slacking. If I do my 3 10-minute walks at work, in addition to my 30 minutes in the morning, then I can be done by 12:30-1:00 and then I slug out the remainder of the day.

My Daily Habits tracking has also been sorely lacking - lots and lots of unchecked items each day. Weighing in every day is unchecked almost every day, and the big ones: Healthy PM Snack and Being Proud of My Eating are not checked most days and those are my major problem areas.

There is still junk food in our house from my son's birthday:
Monday was a pretty stressful day - While I had started out the day strong and even though I came home at 12:30 to deal with a tween crisis and I ate my AM snack and planned lunch, the afternoon fell apart. I was in conference calls all afternoon and my daughter served me ice cream with chocolate sauce and a cupcake during it. Good news is the ice cream and chocolate sauce is now gone from the house. Dinner was a mismosh of leftovers - ham, mac and cheese, salad, devilled eggs.

Tuesday I got up and did 21 Day Fix Upper Fix. I love it when my arms burn, but I hate the pushups and planks.

I got 2 walks in at work and ate well until my normal disaster time. My afternoon snack was 2 cupcakes and a bunch of Hersey's kisses (that no one else in the house knew about). And then at 4:30 I was tempted to try a Skippy PB&J snack pack that I had impulse bought at BJ's the week prior. Dinner was pasta/ham/broccoli with grated cheese. Only one (large) helping.

All day yesterday I was itching to do some cardio - It had been since Friday that I had run. But I didn't feel like getting on the treadmill. And I didn't want to take the time to find a new cardio video. So I decided to jump on the bike for 30 minutes - I did intervals of running on the bike and past pedaling with regular pedaling in between. It felt awesome! I do need to come up with a regular routine of what work outs I will do during the week.

Now I am WFH and feeling pretty tired and feeling mentally weak. I threw away the rest of the Hersey Kisses. The only cupcakes left are vanilla which are no where near as good as chocolate. And I brought the ice cream bar toppings downstairs hoping that out-of-sight will keep me away from the Hersey's chocolate sauce. I did have a banana around 9:00 but it is time for my breakfast so I should go eat it to stay on schedule.

1 comment:

  1. You can turn the tide and get back on track!!!! Start checking off those daily habits (well earn them first!!!). Start small..just the weighing. That only takes a few short seconds of your skin off your back right???
