Friday, March 29, 2019

Wow, it's been almost a week!

*Wow, I didn't realize I didn't even finish this....and I thought I wrote a post mid-week as well. Woops. So I'll finish this and then write about the week*

Why do Mondays come so quickly?! I just want time to fly by because in 2 1/2 weeks I finally get a day off! Well, more than that, as we are headed out on a road trip for spring break.

Saturday me and my husband had lots of errands to do. We had originally planned on leaving at 12:30, after lunch, but after we both decided not to exercise on Saturday, I had a smoothie at 10:30 and then left. I was a little nervous because I didn't have any snack food to bring. But I did bring my water bottle.

After a failed trip to the camera store, we drove almost an hour to another place to do errands. I needed to eat lunch first. We went to Moe's Southwest Grill. I had a burrito in a bowl, chips and queso and a water. I skipped the beer when we met up with friends.

We didn't get home until almost 6:30 - I immediately made spaghetti and had 2 servings.

One of my "errands" was to check out the rail trail to see if it was free of snow and it was, so I headed out on Sunday.

I had a flaxseed waffle with PB&J before leaving the house. I then ran 2 miles on the bike trail until I hit my favorite stream spot (this location used to be near where I was able to park so it would be a nice place to visit after my run, but now due to construction I have to park elsewhere). I then ran 1.6 miles and stopped and walked the rest of the way to my car. I wanted to get to an even 55 miles for the year.

I had some chocolate milk before driving home and then had 2 servings of oatmeal made with milk, almonds, blueberries and brown sugar. Lunch was leftover spaghetti and dinner was nothing - I ate junk - I had trail mix and chips and chocolate ice cream. Dinner of champions.

I woke up Monday at 5:30 and did Upper Fix from 21 Day Fix. My arms were on fire and I loved it! I had some chocolate milk after my work out.

Eating was pretty good until the afternoon - I had more trail mix but added in semi-sweet morsels (and then threw the rest out with trash day). Dinner was frozen chicken and the kids had mac and cheese and I ate some of theirs :(

Tuesday - Rode the bike for 30 minutes:
4 minute warm up
1 minute running out of the seat
1 minute regular pedaling
1 minute fast pedaling
1 minute regular pedaling
[repeat through 24 minutes]
4 minute cool down

I got some walks in at work but then was eating off the rails in the afternoon (trail mix, Fudgicles/PB snack, random grazing for "dinner"). TOM arrived late in the evening.

Wednesday -
I didn't get up at 5:30 but did squeeze in a Total Body Cardio Fix between driving the 2 kids to their schools.
I was WFH and crampy so eating wasn't great - I had the small remainder of vanilla ice cream with maple syrup at 10:30; lunch was leftover Orzo with cheese; in the afternoon I was drinking chocolate syrup out of the bottle (and then throwing the rest away); dinner was Breakfast for Dinner - Kodiak waffles, fruit and scrambled eggs.

Thursday - I had slept horribly the night before - I was so hot (time to put the lighter comforter on the bed I think) and I slept in all the way until 7:00! Eating was so-so - Afternoon eating was 2 fudgicles, PB and a banana. Dinner was just me and the kids and we all ate leftovers - mine was a leftover waffle dipped in applesauce and a banana. The 3 of us had gone grocery shopping after school and while I got them a bunch of junk I felt pretty good about my choices.

Friday - It is Friday!!! Tomorrow is supposed to 67! Spring break is only 2 weeks away! I was 223.6 this morning so I am going to work really hard today!

Not much planned for the weekend but I hope to be able to test out my trail shoes for a 4 mile run. And tomorrow I'd like to get out of the house of the nice day - we will see how excited the kids are for that *roll eyes*

1 comment:

  1. I have done the same thing...start a post and then find it later. Oops!

    Good job rocking the workouts! You are doing fantastic!!!
