Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend recap

What a busy weekend. While it was fun, I am glad it is Monday and back to the routine.

I started off my Saturday with WW. Weight was 225.0. Same as 2 weeks prior at WW - Up 1.4 since the previous week at home.

After a quick snack, I headed to the reservoir. Areas that get sun were clear of snow, but areas that are in the shade were pretty icy. So I did one look and then for the second loop I walked 1/2 way and then turned around.

The rest of the day was spent preparing for my son's 10th birthday. I made these 3 treats.

Eating on Saturday was not great - There were nibbles and tries of all the food. And I wasn't in the mood to cook anything on Saturday night so my husband was out so I had him bring home 2 pizzas. Yes, 2 pizzas because I knew I wanted more than 2 pieces.

And then Sunday was one big blur. Breakfast was Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls per my son's request. I had 2. The party was 1:00-4:30 - So a lot of party food, and I had actual dinner around 6:30 with leftover ham and mac and cheese, and ice cream with chocolate sauce.

Today is another day. As much as I would have liked to sleep in, I got up to do Total Cardio Fix. And then I purged some of the food and hope to do more this afternoon prior to trash tomorrow. Before I left for work I did some grocery shopping because we didn't have a lot of "real food" because the fridge had been full for the party. I bought myself some Lean Cuisine pizzas because I was afraid if I didn't then I would just continue to buy my lunch this week.

Hoping for a good week!


  1. You’ve got this!!!! You can totally nail this week!!!!

  2. Your walk photos are beautiful. Don't you just love Mondays? It feels like such a fresh start.

    And happy birthday to your son.
