Friday, March 22, 2019

Retail therapy, here I come!

Okay, not really retail therapy because that sounds like things have gone wrong and I need a pick me up. It's more that I need to do some shopping it order to round out my wardrobe (work and play).

But let's see how the week has rounded out. Not great I should admit.

I ended up with a binge mid-day Wednesday. I had some work assignments due the afternoon that were stressing me out. I was home so this is what I ate between 11:30 and 12:30:
--Finished off the bag of waffle potato chips from the party - maybe 1-1/2 cups
--Add 1/2 a container of pitted olive medley (I was definitely craving salt!)
--Picked at a bunch of pineapple that was in the container of ham
--3 string cheeses
--1 small can of gingerale
--A microwavable Skippy PB&J snack pack (310 calories)

While I wasn't stuffed I felt crappy about what I ate. But I didn't eat anything else until dinner, which was:
2 tacos on a flaxseed tortillas, with: chicken, black beans, spanish rice, sour cream (full fat), Monterrey Jack cheese (full fate), 1 individual serving tub of guacamole, lettuce, jalepenos

Even though I did cardio on Wednesday, I was eager to get into what will be my routine going forward - cardio on Tuesday and Thursdays, strength training on Monday/Wed/maybe Friday. So I did the Cardio Fix video with 21 Day Fix. It doesn't include any weights, but some intense moves like mountain climbers and burpees. Wow my whole body hurt! And my eating was pretty much on point yesterday. We didn't have a ton of food in the house so I went grocery shopping after dinner so I wouldn't have to go out in the rain this morning. Going grocery shopping after dinner is great because you don't crave anything!

I was going to do Yoga this morning, but our fire alarm went off at midnight (after I had gone to bed at 10:00) and I couldn't fall back asleep for a long time so I turned off my alarm.

Friday's weight was 225.4. No weight loss in over 6 weeks. But better than gaining!

So I did a fun activity this morning. I tried on all my spring and summer clothes. By fun I am being sarcastic. But it was a necessary activity. For the most part everything fits okay - My shorts will feel a little better in a few more pounds lost (part of the incentive of doing this exercise). After trying everything on, I came up with the following shopping list:

--Trail Running shoes (I've never owned them, I am excited!)
--Hiking shoes (not boots)
--Sock liners (I don't like to feel the wool socks against my feet)
--A couple more short hiking socks
--Casual weekend sports bras - I threw out my old ones - they were really stretched out
--A few pairs workout capris - again, some of mine are old and worn and too stretched out
--Work and weekend t-shirts/short sleeve - I don't have enough
--Better hiking tank tops and t-shirts - the ones I have are really high cut - I prefer a scoop neck or v-neck - I just hate how the ones I have look on my - I look very frumpy, so I need to find some more
--I'll also be on the look out for some more baggy capri pajamas/lounging pants

I can't wait!

Now I just need to get through today. I really need to get back on track with the weight loss, I NEED to get out of the 220s. Time of the month is scheduled for  next week and I THINK I'm surviving this month. All the junk from the party is out of the house, I didn't bring more into the house, and I am going to really concentrate on eating well, food prepping, getting my protein in, getting my water in and try to blast out of the lower 220s. I need it so badly. I saw 219.8 for 1 day in February 2016 and that was the last time, so I NEED to do this but I know I really need to put in some hard work to push past this.

1 comment:

  1. Maintaining is definitely surviving!!!

    I need to take stock of my summer clothes for sure! I know I need shorts!!!
