Saturday, March 23, 2019

WW Weigh-in

i did make it to WW. Weight was 224.6 this morning. Down .4 from last week.

I can’t say I wasn’t a little disappointed. I hoped that the pounds would just melt away and I’d be at the 223.2 of 6 weeks ago or the 223.6 of 2 weeks ago. But I also know I didn’t put in the work either.

While waiting for the meeting (or Workshop in new WW lingo) to start, I wrote all my Saturday weights down:

I can’t help be a little discouraged, but it is all my own fault. But at the same time I feel so much better than I did at the beginning of the year.

Yesterday I ate fairly well. I made sure I had a filling snack before we did errands. The loot I got for myself was:
- Trail running/hiking shoes - the guy at REI said I only needed 1 pair - I was going to try them out this morning but we woke up to some snow and 20 mph winds so they will wait
-bunch of casual and yoga type bras from Target - no underwire, not as much support as needed for running - weekends are meant for being comfortable!
-LL Bean Hassan a 25% online coupon good through yesterday so I ordered a hair of hiking pants and hiking capris. I am a little nervous about them being 1X (or 18W) because with my Columbia hiking pants I had to go up to 20W, but I refuse to do that again. I also ordered a comfy fleece top - at first I put a 1X in my cart but then remembered I don’t need that up top and switched it for a XL.

I ended up not exercising this morning. I enjoyed a leisurely morning reading a book before my errands. Then after today I’ll focus my shopping away from me and back to who I usually focus most of my energy on, the rest of my family.


  1. Awesome loot in your shopping spree!!! What rail runners did you get? I’m very interested in the Altras. Jason has a pair of Altras a while back and loved them and says he is getting another pair once his ‘mysterious big purchase’ is made. (Pretty sure it’s some bling for my finger. Lol). So I’m going to check them out! Meanwhile I’m angling for our REI bonus owner rebate money that came in recently!!! Hahaha

  2. A loss is still a loss in the right direction.
