Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week not looking bright....

I found myself yelling, a lot, at the kids this morning. If I had not known bette, I would have thought PMS, but I just finished TOM, so that isn't it. Then I thought about and I really think it was because I am discouraged by the scale this week. As of this morning I am up 2.4 lb from Saturday without any signs of it going down before Saturday. I don't want to show a gain after 2 weeks!

Granted the last couple nights haven't been stellar. Monday night I found myself having several handfuls of dark chocolate bits after dinner. Last night it was nibbling on scrapes of sugar cookie dough at 8:00 at night.

I got to work this morning with my normal food bag and remembered we had a lunch meeting, so I drank my 8 oz lunch coke at 8:30 am, along with my late morning snack AND my normal breakfast! And the lunch meeting consisted of a 12 oz coke, 3 pieces of pizza, and 2 servings of salad (with feta and creamy dressing).

I need to wrangle in this out of controlness - yes I know i have a birthday party to go to on Saturday night (and if my parents take the kids early enough, I would like to go to a movie), and next week is school vacation so I am taking a couple of days off and the whole week will be thrown off. But I can't let all of this non-routineness completely derail me.

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