Friday, February 15, 2019

Examining what went wrong this week

Right now I have the desire to sleep in tomorrow, not get up and go to WW, not get on the scale and face the music. But I will get up and go even if it shows a 5 lb gain. While I've done nothing worthy of losing weight this week and perhaps my Saturday weight was too low (down 2+ lbs from the day before). But this much of a gain.

Let's examine the week..... (and I should say that the week isn't even over yet. It's only 10:15 on Friday, but I need to reverse this NOW)

Saturday: was a good day except perhaps the water
Sunday : +1 lb - The start of the Energy Ball consumption. Not enough water drank. Not enough steps (as I hit 10K at 10:00 am and probably didn't have 12K for the whole day). Not enough fruits and veggies
Monday: Stayed the same. Good day until 2:30 when got home and binged on Energy Balls. Stressed in general. Not enough water. Not enough walking. Dinner was grilled cheese, corn and tater tots = not enough fruits and veggies.
Tuesday: +1.6 - WFH: Woke up very dehydrated. But had no calories until 9:00 am, my normal breakfast not until 10:30 and fell off the wagon big time at 12:00 - Didn't eat my normal foods (stress!). And then had a salty meal at 7:00 pm. Not enough water. Not enough fruits and veggies.
Wednesday: +1 - WFH: Okay until 11:00 then binged on not horrible foods (because we don't really have any in the house) from 11:15-11:45 and then didn't eat again until 6:00. Not enough water. Not enough fruits and veggies.
Thursday: +1.2 - Woke up to ovulation pain.Add well until afternoon snack - they were having fantastic cupcakes for Valentine's Day - Had 1. Had salty mexican food for V-day. I did skip the crappy grocery store cupcakes. First day all year that I didn't hit 10K steps - Probably ended up with 9100 but didn't have any extra steps until 4:00 pm and just didn't feel like walking after dinner (overate at dinner for the first time in a long, long time)
Friday: +.4 - Grand total of +5.2 in 6 days. When the scale jumps 3-4 lbs in a day, you know it is water weight. When it is a steady gain all week, that is here to stay. So my sole focus needs to be to get rid of it!

So the consensus is:
  • Keep with my schedule - do no deviate - Eat the foods I normally do at the times I should
  • Get in my waters - know mater how hard it is
  • Have dinner with not so much starch and lots of veggies
  • Get in my steps

Every morning I wrote a note about water and walks - but really not sticking to the foods I normally do and not the schedule (ie letting myself get too hungry) didn't help. Even today I decided to have a smoothie but I just had it at 10:20 - That is NOT good!!

So I will continue with my day and get through this and try to think about next month - while this isn't all ovulation, part of it is - maybe I am more stressed during ovulation?!

But I did keep weighing myself this week no matter what and that is a HUGE plus!!! Win for the week.

What will next week bring?
It's a little odd week. The kids are on vacation, but I am not taking any time. My husband has Monday off and he's taking Thursday and Friday off. I may WFH days I don't normally. And the weather seems a little iffy next week, but I am really going to TRY for it to be as normal a week for me as possible. *crossing my fingers*

1 comment:

  1. You have this!!! Now is the time to tighten the reigns and get the numbers on the scale going down! You have your plan and you KNOW it works if you follow it!!! That is the plus side!!! You KNOW what to do! Let’s both rock this week and drop some weight!!!
