Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Why I can't have "nice" things in the house......

Sunday I decided to make energy balls. Not so much because I am doing anything these days that would require them, but I wanted to practice how to make them and see how they tasted.

Well, they were really, really yummy.

 So yummy that Monday afternoon I ate all the rest of them. Yep, all of them. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. I wasn't scheduled to have my snack for another hour. I had JUST had lunch at 1:00. I was not hungry. But I came home stressed about work, my daughter came home from school and immediately stressed me out. I had a project ahead of me that I really didn't want to do. I had stayed up WAY too late the night before (11:30). But I did track them. Because I ate them in 3 batches....over 15 minutes.

So even though I had put the remainder of the dark chocolate bits in the freezer, I decided this morning that I couldn't have them in the house. I had done a purge of the refrigerator this morning before trash day, but didn't get to these. Plus the whole family was watching me and I didn't want them to see me throwing out chocolate. So after they left (with the bag of trash!) I did this to the dark chocolate because throwing away a sealed bag into an empty trash bag doesn't always work (and to add, the water was warm, so extra ewww, the chocolate will not be seen again).

We are getting snow this afternoon so when I was getting gas for my car and a gallon of milk, I decided to be nice to my husband and daughter and get them the pints of ice cream on the right. The other pint my husband had gotten me this weekend. But typically I don't like ice cream that has chunks in it. So this pint could stay in the freezer for a while. Notice my word of "stay" because once it comes out, most likely it will stay out. And I strategically placed the ice cream next to my no-sugar fudgicles.

I woke up this morning to a 2 lb gain. Yes, perhaps the energy balls contributed somewhat. But last night's dinner was grilled cheese, tater tots and corn (not a menu planned by me!) and I was crazy thirsty this morning. So I downed 20 oz of water pretty quickly.

So today's focus will be water and walks. I've already gotten in a 20 minute walk and walked to the bus stuff. Unfortunately later will also include shoveling, so not sure if I will be getting in a run also. But for today walks and water (and my normal eating) will also be in order.


  1. Those energy balls look delicious. What's in them?

    1. Dates, flaxseed, almonds, oats, dark chocolate bits, little water, rolled in unsweetened coconut. They do really taste like Almond Joy!
