Monday, February 4, 2019

WW Weigh-in #5 and Weekend Recap

Trying to muster up some energy this post-Super Bowl Monday. And will try hard not to derail myself today just because I am tired because this weekend involved lots of treats.

First of all - WW Meeting
I was 224.8 on Saturday morning. That was a 1.6 loss for the week!

After the meeting I measured my waist and it was 40" - a 2" loss! (I am not taking any other measurements right now)

I ate during my meeting knowing I needed to run when I got home. I ran for 1.75 miles at 4.8 (12:30). It felt fantastic! I had a hearty breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries and almonds (and yes, a teaspoon of brown sugar).

Me and my husband had a day date at a museum to see an Ansel Adams exhibit and finished the date at a local brewery/restaurant that had recently opened. I took advantage of my 1 non-water drink for the month (well, in this case, a 1 non-water drink event because I had 2 1 /2 drinks). Last month I had a coffee/hot chocolate drink the day after the AFC Championship.

Lunch was a variety of stuff - potato chips and onion dip, a sausage platter, devilled eggs, and pumpkin bisque (this was a win because I really wanted a burger)!

I had left my fitbit in the charger after I ran so I didn't get the steps while I was walking at the museum or to get to the restaurant, but I did take a 20 minute walk on the treadmill later in the day.

For dinner I made beer stroganoff with noodes from a recipe a friend gave me. I cooked some mushrooms on the side since my husband doesn't like them. It was yummy and I probably had too much (though not a second helping). But I felt gross the whole afternoon - it's not like I had a ton of food at lunch, but I think the beer just made me feel bloated.

Super Bowl Sunday - could have been a lot worse!
I had planned on walking on Sunday morning while watching Patriots hype videos, and even had a pre-exercise breakfast. But then I sat down in front of the fire under a blanket and started reading and just couldn't pull myself away. I rarely, rarely get to do this so just kept sitting and reading until I had to pick up my daughter at 12:30. I had 400 steps by 1:00. A late lunch included TWO helpings of beef stroganoff :( Followed later my a cupcake.

But then I walked for 65 minutes while watching highlights of the Patriots 2001 season and got to my 10K steps.

While I wasn't as nervous as previous super bowls, I didn't really feel like eating all the food we had made, but I did have some: queso and chips, 7 layer dip and chips and a small piece of pizza and a cupcake. And then around 8:30 I had another cupcake and some ice cream.

Needless to say the scale was way up this morning and I feel bloated so trying to get in my water and walks today at work.


  1. I get on the scale Thursday, and I just have a feeling it won't be good. I had lost all my weight and hit goal. Then became complacent and ate all the things I shouldn't. I do know that nothing is off limits for WW, but in moderation. Just going through a rough time these past few months. Have to get back on track.

  2. You still had some positives...even though you talk about indulgences!!!!
