Thursday, February 14, 2019

It keeps going up and up and up

228.0 this morning - yes, almost 5 lbs from Saturday.

Wednesday started out well, but at 11:15 I ended up having what I am calling a 30 minute binge:
2 small bowls of pumpkin seeds and dried fruit
4 string cheese
2 packages of PB/Ritz crackers

Yes, overall the food wasn't bad but all was unnecessary. If I was hungry at 11:15 I should have just had my normal 11:30 snack of 2 string cheese and peaches.

I didn't end up eating anything for the rest of the day until dinner. I got in 2 25-minute walks in the afternoon so got in my 10K steps.

Dinner was spaghetti/sauce/cheese (1 helping, though potentially slightly larger than normal), salad (which also had croutons and bacon on it) and 1 piece of garlic bread.

I was just feeling so gross yesterday afternoon/evening and then this morning. I definitely have what I feel is ovulation pain. So now my challenge for the next 2 week is to get some of this 5 lb OFF. Not using the next 2 weeks to eat like crap.

Tonight for Valentine's Day we are having fajitas, chips and homemade salsa, and cupcakes and ice cream. I bought a little bit of chocolate. But nothing crazy.

Then honestly, after tonight there is NO reason to have dessert type foods until St Patrick's birthday. So not going crazy today and back on track tomorrow.

Life will always have up and downs. That is life. But getting back to a healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible is what is important.

1 comment:

  1. I had Reece’s cups and Girl Scout cookies (Tagalongs) for the sweet treat for Valentine’s Day... so I bombed yesterday !!

    You are seeing the scales go up...and you know what to do! You can do it!!!!!!! You e got this!!!
