Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Silence is not golden

It's been a struggle but I refuse to give in. I am not going to wait until the monthly visitor arrives to turn things around. Or wait until next week when the kids are back in school (because the week won't be "typical" for me as I have a huge project and a lot of hours in the office). And if you wait until "typical" you can be waiting forever.

Despite being 228.2 on Monday morning, Monday was a pretty good day until dinner. I worked from home and got in 4 walks so was at 12K steps by dinner. I hadn't menu planned my snacks so my snack was a Nutella/Banana/Tortilla (aka my pre-WW dinner).

My husband and I had a date night planned. I chose Mexican. 3 drinks (should have stopped at 1), chips and salsa, queso and tortillas, and steak/fajitas later I felt gross. The food was awesome (this was a more high-end Mexican restaurant) but I just ate way too much. I should have gotten a salad, not fajitas. I lay in bed and had to prop myself up because I just felt so sick (I really try to not eat anything for 3-4 hours before I go to bed but that wasn't the case). Around 1:00 my husband didn't feel great so I decided to go sleep in my son's room (he was at my mom's) so didn't sleep well (I had visions of the stomach bug making it's way through our house - thankfully my husband didn't get sick).

Tuesday he woke me up telling me we had no heat on our 1st floor but he was able to get it running again.

Tuesday was kind a s*** show.
It started out with my breaking my streak. My weigh-in-every-day streak. I felt horrible about it. But I knew no good could come from it. So 47 days. But I will start a new one! This will NOT be a habit!

From then on it was a pretty normal day until 10:00. But then I had a ton of conference calls, our cleaning people were here from 11-1 so I felt trapped in my office so by the time they left at 1:00 I had only gotten 1 walk in and hadn't eaten in more than 3 hours. Yeah, that wasn't pretty. "Food" consisted of trail mix, way too much Nutella and my husbands leftover fajitas.

Then I was stuck doing work until 4:30 so still had only walked once. I did a 20 minute walk. At this point I realized the treadmill wasn't at a 1.5% incline- it was flat. I am not sure how long it had been that way. My husband was fixing the vent over the treadmill last week so perhaps he moved it (which means my fantastic run on Saturday was flat.....). So I moved it back to 1.5% as well as upping my speed to 3.2 (from 3.1).

Dinner wasn't until 7:00 and an everyone-for-himself. I made spaghetti with zucchini. This time I cooked the whole box so there would be leftovers for the kids and I definitely ate too much :(

After dinner I fit in another 20 minute walk to just get me over the 10K mark.

So here we are at Wednesday. 228.4 this morning. Telling myself that despite the Nutella in the closet and lots of leftover spaghetti in the fridge, I am going to TRY to have a "normal" day. I am getting my hair done tonight (one of my least favorite things to do) and normally we get a pizza after, but we've got frozen pizza in the basement and lots of salad fixings that need to be eaten, so that will be the plan.

1 comment:

  1. Your week sounds something like mine...larger portions than I should have been eating. But you st least are getting in the steps...even if they were on the flat/no incline still got the steps/miles!!!!
