Saturday, February 9, 2019

WW Weigh-in #6

I am not sure how accurate this weight is, but today was 223.2 - That is a 10 lb loss in 5 weeks!!! And I am going to work hard this week to keep it there!

Friday was my endoscopy. I had my "last meal" around 6:30 on Thursday - spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and a brownie. And then I couldn't eat or drink anything after 8:45, but since I don't usually eat after dinner anyways (like ever, after dinner snacking thankfully has never been an issue for me), I was fine. I crawled into bed at 6:30 and watched TV for hours.

I had to be at the hospital at 8:45 am and while they took me back to prep at 9:00 I didn't get taken in for the procedure until 11:45 :( I had gotten bumped for an emergency situation. I didn't have my phone, there wasn't a TV in my area, so I just lay there for hours (except for the 1 time I had to go to the bathroom thanks to the almost whole bag of IV fluid I went through). All I wanted to do was get up and pace around, but I couldn't. And by the time I was brought back I was starving!. Thankfully the procedure was very quick and when I woke up I had water and PB crackers.

I was home around 1:00 and my husband heated up some leftover spaghetti and later I had some vanilla ice cream.

My insides were a somewhat upset in the afternoon - I think either from the ice cream or if my husband put real butter on the spaghetti. I'll have to ask him. I do believe that I have gotten somewhat of a dairy issue, but not all the time. Or should I say for all foods.

And then I had my normal Friday night pre-WW "dinner" (flax tortilla, strawberries and Nutella).

I spent all afternoon in bed watching cheesy TV. Not that I needed to, but I figured I was owed a day to do nothing. I didn't have my Fitbit on and for the 1st time in 38 days I didn't walk 10K steps (I'd be surprised if I had 1000 steps!).  But I think I get a pass for that!

After my WW meeting I went to the grocery store since I hadn't gone yesterday (I almost didn't go because I had forgot to put my Fitbit back on!) and I stocked up on healthy foods. We just had too much junk in the house this week. Valentine's Day is on Thursday and I know some more junk will probably come in for that as well, but that is 5 days away!

We have nothing planned for this weekend and that is wonderful. It is very windy today so feels like 12, so a good day to stay inside!


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