Friday, February 22, 2019

Longest week ever!

Not that is over yet - I've still got Friday to get through, with lots of meetings on late Friday afternoon - what a crappy way to end the week!

Wednesday was a crazy work day. I ate normal in the morning but had so many conference calls that I only got one walk in at 8:15.

My daughter had been begging my for chicken fingers from this fast food place in town and she and my son wanted Shamrock Shakes, so she and I drive through TWO Drive Thrus. We usually never do drive thrus or food delivery, so 2 that are about 1/4 mile apart just seemed glutenous (and expensive! Wow!). It was almost 2 when we went because I had meetings until 1:30 so I decided to get McDonald's (I only have it maybe 2-3 times a year) - Big Mac, fries, chocolate shakes. But boy did it taste good! (I should note I ate this at home - I don't eat in the car)

Then I had meetings for another couple of hours before leaving to get our hair cut. We didn't get home until 6:00 but I wasn't too hungry from having had lunch at 2:00 pm, so I hopped on the treadmill for 20 minutes and then had for dinner what I would have had for lunch - carrots and a Lean Cuisine pizza.

Then at 7:15 I went grocery shopping! It was going to be icy in Thursday morning and I was eager to just get some healthy food in the house. I will need to go again on Sunday to stock up for the upcoming week.

And then when I got home I go back on the treadmill for 20 minutes just to get to my 10K goal.

Thursday morning the scale was STILL above 228. Since it was icy, I worked from home again. I did well until 1:15 when a 30 minute binge of sorts happened. First it was nut/dried fruit combo, followed by my actual lunch (Lean Cuisine pizza) followed by more nuts/dried fruit followed by my single serving Nutella which was supposed to be for my dinner on Friday.

I had planned to run at 5:00 but I just felt so sluggish so only got a mile in - my stomach just felt so full. But I reached my 10K goal. Dinner was a salad and some leftover spaghetti. I still was just so full feeling. Can my monthly please just arrive (it isn't supposed to until Tuesday).  Next month I NEED to do better - overeating/under hydrating during this time just makes me feel awful!

And now it is Friday. I am just going to get through the day. Since i had the Nutella yesterday, I will have PB instead in my tortilla/banana wrap.

1 comment:

  1. Good job for being consistent with your 10k steps!!! That is a huge accomplishment!!!!!!
