Tuesday, January 22, 2019

21 Day Habit

On Monday we reached the 21st day of the year.

In that 21 days I have:
-Weighed myself every day (for me this is a necessary evil - I've never been successful with losing weight if I don't and quite the opposite, I start to gain weight)
-Not bought my lunch and/or drank soda
-Gotten at least 10,000 steps every day
-Tracked/journaled my food - while I am not putting in weights and measures at this point, writing it all down is definitely helping

Am I giving up after 21 days? Heck no! Going for the 90 day lifestyle (not that I will stop then either!) - Bring on April Fool's Day

So far the week is going pretty well. Monday I didn't have a holiday but the rest of my family did. But I did work from home because it was 0 with a feel of -16 in the morning. For the first time this year I did drink some calories with a coffee/hot chocolate/fat free creamer combination. And I got in FOUR 20 minute walks. Yes I didn't eat my "normal" work food - I had some pasta leftovers and a small brownie at lunch time (but still ate my carrots I had prepped over the weekend) and dinner was homemade pizza. Me and the kids split a pepperoni pizza made with 1/2 the store-bought dough so there wasn't a lot of pizza per person and I made a salad.

Tuesday I left the house for the first time in 3 days! I got to the grocery store at 7:30 am because we were out of produce! I was very busy for the 4+ hours I was in the office so I barely got in any steps, but prior to my C25K session I got in another 10 minute walk so I was able to hit the 10K steps during C25K (Week 5, Day 1 - so 3 5-minute runs). Dinner was everyone for themselves - I made myself 4 oz of Barilla Plus spaghetti and had leftover salad and some grapes.

1 comment:

  1. You are nailing your goals!!! Isn’t it crazy how if we track...even with no restrictions that we reel ourselves in more????

    Keep up those 10k steps!!! I’ve gotta get back on the ball with my steps!!!
